cunparis 71 posts msg #64952 - Ignore cunparis |
7/13/2008 5:01:40 PM
I love the statistics and it makes a lot of sense to me.
Yesterday I spent a few hours studying the filter I think you called it stat scan, which ran the stats on open to high. I am serious I spent several hours just on this one filter. I learned a lot. But my final conclusion was that I could find a way to trade it. I'm not saying a way doesn't exit, I just couldn't see it. Knowing a stock goes up 0.50 80% of the time is good, but the problem is setting stops and reducing risk. Let's say the 0.50 is 1%. You can make 1% 80% of the time, but if you lose 8% the other 20% of the time it'll wipe you out.
I will spend more time thinking on your AAPL statistic approach, but if you have a comment about the above please let me know as it'll help me as well for analyzing other filters.
One thing is for sure, after spending a few hours on a filter, one really begins to understand your filters better and trading in general. It was very worthwhile even if I still haven't figured out a way to use it. :)
13th_floor 724 posts msg #65258 - Ignore 13th_floor |
7/19/2008 8:50:36 PM
The dayrange/stocks for this weeks watches on the combo are incredible.
Best day trading opps I've seen yet
I am gonna rip the market next week. long/short,it's all there!
hfilty 16 posts msg #65265 - Ignore hfilty |
7/20/2008 4:36:15 AM
thanks 13th, i have been papper trading for the last couple weeks using your strategies. man you are good. i m still learning day by day and i will get it though. thanks again. newbie
13th_floor 724 posts msg #65268 - Ignore 13th_floor |
7/20/2008 8:51:31 AM
thank you.
if you get a chance some evening ,drop in the chat,we've been holding discussions on how a few of us are trading this method and doing pretty well.
hfilty 16 posts msg #65285 - Ignore hfilty |
7/20/2008 9:03:22 PM
yes sir i will. thanks again
TheRumpledOne 6,469 posts msg #65298 - Ignore TheRumpledOne modified |
7/21/2008 12:49:29 AM
- Ignore cunparis 7/13/2008 5:01:40 PM
I love the statistics and it makes a lot of sense to me.
Yesterday I spent a few hours studying the filter I think you called it stat scan, which ran the stats on open to high. I am serious I spent several hours just on this one filter. I learned a lot. But my final conclusion was that I could find a way to trade it. I'm not saying a way doesn't exit, I just couldn't see it. Knowing a stock goes up 0.50 80% of the time is good, but the problem is setting stops and reducing risk. Let's say the 0.50 is 1%. You can make 1% 80% of the time, but if you lose 8% the other 20% of the time it'll wipe you out.
I will spend more time thinking on your AAPL statistic approach, but if you have a comment about the above please let me know as it'll help me as well for analyzing other filters.
One thing is for sure, after spending a few hours on a filter, one really begins to understand your filters better and trading in general. It was very worthwhile even if I still haven't figured out a way to use it. :)
"But my final conclusion was that I could find a way to trade it. "
See, that is why I say:
Simplest way to trade RFR stocks is to use Muddy's WAIT FOR GREEN entry strategy.
You can also use my RFR TRAVEL GUIDE to see where the drop should hit and where the bounce should be.
You can also use part of my BLACK BELT TRADING STRATEGY... if the previous day's close crosses and closes above the ema(5), you should be clear for takeoff.
That should be enough to get you started.
johnnyvento 51 posts msg #66780 - Ignore johnnyvento |
8/29/2008 12:32:37 AM
Just felt like bumping this thread...
13th taught me everything I know about trading, not that I know that much. Newcomers to SF should learn about him and his methods.
Go to and read the important posts (read the whole blog too when you have time).
TheRumpledOne 6,469 posts msg #66802 - Ignore TheRumpledOne |
8/29/2008 4:01:25 PM
13th_floor 724 posts msg #66808 - Ignore 13th_floor |
8/29/2008 6:23:34 PM
Yup agree 110%.
Muddy taught me all I know,one on one for weeks.
I've said this over and over,it's his stuff not mine.
Right from this article:
I’m 48, worked as a machinist for the last 14 years, got laid off before
the start of 2008. When I got laid off from my job, I contacted my old
friend Muddy........He said he’d be glad to (help) and his stuff absolutely turned my trading
around to where I am today.
10. What are you going to do with your winnings, besides pay a
shitload of taxes?
my answer:
Probably buy another house and since Mud turned my trading around
and he is such an animal lover, I donate fairly heavy to the 4 animal
shelters around my way.
"fairly heavy" is right!
Ask Mud,he'll tell you.
I give back!
Also here on this post on HIS blog of all the stuff I look for:
to put everything that I do to prepare for the next trading day, the scans I run and the different styles I use to chose stocks to trade both long and short.
No doubt I will forget a few things and will update this post as I remember different things.
I'm gonna try to get it all in this 1 post because the last month I've been asked by quite a few a bunch of questions regarding my trading style.
Please note that very few of these ideas are mine.
Most have come from Muddy and his blog.
It took me many months but I think I'm on the track for a very bright trading future, thanks to him."
TheRumpledOne 6,469 posts msg #66809 - Ignore TheRumpledOne |
8/29/2008 9:41:23 PM
"I was given a scan by another which shows the number of times a stock
has run 10 to 19% in the last 100 days. Coupled with Mud’s suggestion
to add ADR(30) to that scan and using the scrolling Scottrade hod
list it adds up to some fun times."
Now I wonder who ANOTHER is?