dhhus10 5 posts msg #63694 - Ignore dhhus10 |
6/14/2008 11:00:42 PM
13th floor,
very new to SF. been reading your posts with great interest. my one problem is, how do you know which stocks to pick and watch from your lists? I've tried to follow your post, but getting very confused. can you help the new guy on the block?
13th_floor 724 posts msg #63706 - Ignore 13th_floor |
6/15/2008 8:02:28 AM
first read this:
it tells you things I look for
Second ,if you register here:
I'm in there most nights after 8 p.m eastern time and you can ask me specific questions.
seanban 22 posts msg #63721 - Ignore seanban |
6/15/2008 2:33:21 PM
As I use Tradestation iso Scottrade, I wonder if the HOD functionality could be implemented there? Do you know if some TS users have implemented this or how does it work at Scottrade?
Thanks - SeanBan
13th_floor 724 posts msg #63722 - Ignore 13th_floor |
6/15/2008 2:58:03 PM
Sorry,all I know is Scott has it
Here's a snapshot of it:
TheRumpledOne 6,469 posts msg #63804 - Ignore TheRumpledOne |
6/16/2008 6:10:17 PM
Hey 13th:
Check out the latest RFR filters.
cunparis 71 posts msg #64091 - Ignore cunparis |
6/20/2008 11:45:52 AM
I've read this thread and the blog with great interest. There's one thing that's not clear to me and it's the entry.
I found SYNM from the scan and I watched it today. It gapped up quite a bit (5%)? I understand that going green means above yesterday's close. But where does one enter? Would you enter on open? Or put a limit order to enter around the closing price? Entering on open is risky, there could be a pullback. So entering on a pullback is another choice.
The scanning and theories are clear to me, it's just the entries that are confusing.
Thanks for explaining it a bit further for those of us who are a bit slower. :)
TheRumpledOne 6,469 posts msg #64149 - Ignore TheRumpledOne modified |
6/21/2008 2:19:21 PM
Now you know where to look for entries and exits.
If you enter at/near the open, the RUN TARGET is your TP exit.
You can wait for the price to drop to the DROP TARGET and enter there if price has bottomed and starts to move up. The BOUNCE TARGET will be the exit for this trade.
You can enter at the PULLBACK TARGET after the price has hit the daily high if you think the price will keep going up.
B = BOUNCE ( low to close )
D = DROP ( open to low )
R = RUN ( open to high )
P or PB = PULLBACK ( high to close )
I don't know if you realized it but you can check the TARGETS on ANY STOCK by using the SYMLIST for the SELECTION CRITERIA.
This is a powerful tool.
jay3409591 1 posts msg #64762 - Ignore jay3409591 |
7/7/2008 3:36:45 AM
thx for this code TRO. can you tell me what the rightmost columns mean and how much the values can be expected to change throughout the day (i.e. how often to refresh throughout the day)?
TheRumpledOne 6,469 posts msg #64767 - Ignore TheRumpledOne modified |
7/7/2008 11:35:05 AM
What column(s) are you asking about?
The numbers change if a new high/low is made otherwise static.
But you have to wait for the market to be open to get today's targets because the filter uses the current open to compute the targets.
I wrote a version for TradeStation so I have the numbers in real time.
chip 67 posts msg #64770 - Ignore chip |
7/7/2008 4:49:33 PM
Since the StockFetcher data is delayed, and the number you want quickly is average drop from open.... rather than wait 20 minutes, I added column AvgDrop5. That way you can use whatever you use for real-time quotes and calculate the drop target manually. Additionally, if you want to do your numbers at eod, like I do sometimes, just change the whole thing to use yesterday's close (instead of today's open), something like:
set{YClLo, Close 1 day ago - low} /* was OPEN */
set{DropPCT, YClLo/Close 1 day ago } /* was OPEN */
set{AvgDrop5, cma(YClLo,5) }
set{DropTgt, Close 1 day ago - AvgDrop5 }