cunparis 71 posts msg #64811 - Ignore cunparis |
7/9/2008 12:14:28 PM
I've been practicing the combo scan & wait for green on the simulator. One thing I've noticed is several big movers have gapped up/down and never looked back. Others have gapped up/down, filled the gap, and then returned in the original direction.
it's clear to me that waiting for green means waiting for a stock to go red 1-2% and then green, and we try to capture the ADR (minus the 1 or 2%). But what about gappers? I've seen them with 15-20% moves and it'd be nice to catch them.
Is a gap up going green? There is the risk of a gap fill so I'm really not sure how people trade these. OR do you just let them go?
13th_floor 724 posts msg #64818 - Ignore 13th_floor |
7/9/2008 6:50:54 PM
Is a gap up going green?
Of course it is,any price higher than yesterdays close is GREEN!
rlac 7 posts msg #64819 - Ignore rlac |
7/9/2008 7:19:01 PM
How can I change this to delete the low vol stocks? I like to keep them above 400,000. Thanks
cunparis 71 posts msg #64828 - Ignore cunparis |
7/10/2008 1:58:08 AM
"Is a gap up going green?
Of course it is,any price higher than yesterdays close is GREEN!"
Thanks for the confirmation 13th. In that case, what do you use as a stop? Would you let the gap fill and set the stop under the previous close?
Same question goes for when a stock goes green very quickly and is up 3% before one can enter. I've been skipping those thinking they're too far extended.
TheRumpledOne 6,469 posts msg #64830 - Ignore TheRumpledOne |
7/10/2008 2:20:55 AM
"Same question goes for when a stock goes green very quickly and is up 3% before one can enter. I've been skipping those thinking they're too far extended. "
That's where STATISTICS come into play.
cunparis 71 posts msg #64849 - Ignore cunparis |
7/10/2008 12:19:49 PM
TRO, can you explain what you mean by using statistics?
An example is GETG. It gapped up and never looked back.
I'd love to go long on this, since it opened green, but it seems 1/2 the time stocks fill the gap.
chetron 2,817 posts msg #64861 - Ignore chetron |
7/10/2008 6:12:00 PM
just a thought...
normally, this filter shows you the good gap filler, but as you can see, it can be used to find the bad ones. i put in the good ones so you can compare the data.
to use in the future, just replace the ticker names in the parathesis' and gooooooooooooo.
p.s. i know i am no TRO. lol.
TheRumpledOne 6,469 posts msg #64880 - Ignore TheRumpledOne |
7/11/2008 8:51:15 AM
- Ignore cunparis 7/10/2008 12:19:49 PM
TRO, can you explain what you mean by using statistics?
An example is GETG. It gapped up and never looked back.
I'd love to go long on this, since it opened green, but it seems 1/2 the time stocks fill the gap.
Some people trade using fundamentals.
Others use techinical indicators.
I look at the statistical price performance of a stock.
AAPL usually fills the gap and if AAPL moves $.10 in either direction of the open price, it usually moves at least $.50 in that same direction.
To trade AAPL, I look to see which way AAPL gapped and look to fade the gap( gap up look to short, gap down look to buy). I ONLY enter trades at OPEN +/- .10. Usually, get 2 or more trades a day. That's all that is needed.
Don't need to trade any other stock using this method. AAPL gives plenty of "juice".
AntonellaB 3 posts msg #64910 - Ignore AntonellaB |
7/12/2008 1:46:12 PM
Johnnyvento, Lizzy and 13th, I been reading your post from page 1 on. I am 1 day newbie. Your filters that you are using, are for differnet filter/setups, low float, HOD, etc... Is there 1, I can start out with, basic one and then jump into the other ones you posted? Also say if i use a basic chart, and 11,000 or so symbols come back when I fetch, where do i go from there? Thats the 1st stock and trade it? This is where I am getting lost. I fully understand the filter setup that you are gearing out, but one thing that gets me is after I hit fetch, what do i do when i see all those stcoks.
Thanks AntonellaB
13th_floor 724 posts msg #64932 - Ignore 13th_floor |
7/12/2008 10:17:29 PM
Well yeah,it's SCAN not a filter,sure it's going to show a ton of stocks,everyone is this universe:
close is between 1 and 15
average volume(90) above 50000
average volume(10) above 250000
It was explained how to use it right in the first post:
"These stocks are at least 8% ADR(30) AND have run at least 10 times in the last 100 days over 10% in a day."