nibor100 1,057 posts msg #152328 - Ignore nibor100 |
5/25/2020 3:43:35 PM
Recently in another thread, Xarlor posted the following to track down SF coding terms/indicators/help etc.
"three places to look when trying to find commands.
1. The manual, which you noticed is not complete.
2. At the top of the site there is "Indicators". Here you would have found your days( command.
3. The forums. This one is harder, but I have found commands in the forums that were not listed in either the manual or the "Indicators" link. One example is PlotType."
Those are all excellent but there are a few more I've discovered while being a SF subscriber; so today's Pop Quiz is to come up with at least 8 other reliable options/places, that I use to find SF coding info when trying to write a filter.
I'm hoping we'll uncover some new ones also...
If I remember I'll post my 8 on Friday.,
Ed S.:
nibor100 1,057 posts msg #152371 - Ignore nibor100 |
5/30/2020 8:57:59 AM
No one responded to the Pop Quiz so I guess everyone already knows where to find all SF coding info...
In case some don't, here are my 8 other reliable options/places, that I use to find SF coding info when trying to write a filter.
1. There is another SF User Manual created by an SF user is at
2. There is a SF Forum entitled "Announcements" where some coding commands have been introduced over the years but not added to the Indicators and Measures Forum.
3. There is another SF Forum entitled "Filter Phrases" where some additional useful info can be found.
4. At the top of your SF webpage there is an "Examples" tab which if selected will give us a list of coded examples for many different situations and which ends at 'Max of MACD Fast/Slow crossed above 0'.
Each one is clickable as a stand alone filter or you can copy it into your own.
5. For some reason the list of SF Examples is cutoff in the M's but the complete list can be found in the SF Ipad App and there are quite a few more examples.
To make them your own save them inside a new filter on the Ipad app and then open them up in My Filters when you go back to your PC/browser.
6. Go to the Indicators Forum and click on any indicator, then go to the top left and click on the underligned name of the poster which in this case is "StockFetcher". and you'll be taken to list of all of StockFetcher's post over the years which will have some hidden gems and other useful info.
A lot there but reading thru it may prove useful to some.
7. Go to the SF search bar at the top of the Forums screen and enter "Tomb" then click on first result and do the same as in 6. above to find Tomb's historical posts.
He was a very helpful SF help desk guy apparently and you'll find many unrevealed commands in there.
8..Finally, do a search on "Logic ands and ors", then click on first result and scroll down the first post written by "Cegis" and do the same as in 6. above to find Cegis's historical posts which contain some great examples and explanations of unique SF coding logic.
Hope this helps some of you and might relieve Xarlor's workload...
Ed S.
xarlor 592 posts msg #152373 - Ignore xarlor |
5/30/2020 12:42:56 PM
Excellent summary nibor!
I feel StockFetcher is like Middle Earth sometimes. There is so much history that it is lost to the years. Then one day, someone leans against the side of cliff and it collapses into a cave, uncovering a long lost civilization full of ancient knowledge.
I wish these could be found catergorized in one place, either a constantly updating manual, the Indicators list, or elsewhere.
There are some real treats in your suggestions.
Positive and negative divergence:
Top and bottom sectors or industries
Custom Upper Bollinger Band (CUBB):
Custom Lower Bollinger Band (CLBB):
Custom Bollinger Band Oscillator(CBBOsc):
Custom Bollinger Band Width(CBBWidth):
Cheese 1,374 posts msg #152374 - Ignore Cheese |
5/30/2020 12:55:24 PM
Thank you.
snappyfrog 737 posts msg #152382 - Ignore snappyfrog |
5/31/2020 10:58:07 AM
Very nice. I especially like the sfDivergence.
sandjco 648 posts msg #152383 - Ignore sandjco |
5/31/2020 1:37:44 PM
@nibor and xarlor
Many thanks for posting the above! I didn't know they existed! More ingredients to play with!
Question: using the sfnegdiv do I code:
price going lower in "x" days vs volume going higher in "x" days?
Thank you.
nibor100 1,057 posts msg #157193 - Ignore nibor100 |
7/8/2021 12:08:25 PM
This is the old thread that has some of SF undocumented commands and how to find others.
Ed S.
glgene 618 posts msg #157198 - Ignore glgene |
7/8/2021 5:41:01 PM
Thank you, Ed.
Much appreciated.
push5280 201 posts msg #157201 - Ignore push5280 |
7/8/2021 7:48:00 PM
Great post
Thank You !
bushynose 22 posts msg #157203 - Ignore bushynose |
7/9/2021 8:02:49 AM
Kevin_in_GA, msg #134301
SF added the Sharpe and Sortino ratio functions a while back