snappyfrog 737 posts msg #152134 - Ignore snappyfrog |
5/9/2020 9:54:34 PM
Kossvet, can you link Xarlor's filter in which you refer? I'd like to see how I can use it with what I have posted above. TIA
ludowillems 111 posts msg #152138 - Ignore ludowillems |
5/10/2020 8:00:59 AM
Great filter, looks promising! I made an attempt to reduce the number of candidates by adding:
Slow Stochastics Fast %K(10,3) < 30
3 day slope of OBV > 0.1
Comments more than welcome,
kossvet 147 posts msg #152139 - Ignore kossvet |
5/10/2020 10:40:52 AM
Snappyfrog here is the original Xalor filter.
average volume(5) > 100000
set{diff1,ma(5) - ma(10)}
set{diff2,ma(10) - ma(20)}
set{vol2,average volume(5) 5 days ago * 2}
set{var1,count(volume > vol2,1)}
set{var2,count(ma(5) increasing for last 3 days,1)}
set{var3,count(ma(10) increasing for last 3 days,1)}
set{var4,count(ma(20) increasing for last 3 days,1)}
set{var5,count(diff1 increasing for the last 2 days,1)}
set{var6,count(diff2 increasing for the last 2 days,1)}
set{var7,count(atr(30) 3 days ago < .2,1)}
set{var8,count(reached a new high 3-month high,1)}
set{buy1,var1 * var2}
set{buy2, buy1 * var3}
set{buy3, buy2 * var4}
set{buy4, buy3 * var5}
set{buy5, buy4 * var6}
set{buy6, buy5 * var7}
set{buy, buy6 * var8}
buy > 0
buy 1 day ago equals 0
/* Comment out the 2 lines above and uncomment the 2 lines below to see all hits within the last year */
/* chart-time is 14 months */
/* count(buy > 0,251) > 0 */
draw ma(5)
draw ma(10)
draw ma(20)
I have not included my modified Xalor filter yet.
I will be posting it when I feel comfortable with it's profitability.
I don't want to lead anyone astray.
I have been trying to include your filter with mine.
Still working on it,
snappyfrog 737 posts msg #152141 - Ignore snappyfrog modified |
5/10/2020 11:58:47 AM
Thanks Ludowillems and kossvet
JoeyVinyl 125 posts msg #152149 - Ignore JoeyVinyl modified |
5/11/2020 1:18:22 AM
Making kossvet's xarlor filter clickable. It's telling me there's a problem with variable 8 but I'm not sure what the problem is or how to fix it.
Cheese 1,374 posts msg #152150 - Ignore Cheese |
5/11/2020 1:41:10 AM
I've just run it, and did not have problem
nibor100 1,059 posts msg #152151 - Ignore nibor100 |
5/11/2020 2:26:34 AM
a. The reason it does not run sometimes is the dash in "high 3-month high..." take it out and it should run every time. SF handles some stuff anomalously when it parses text phrases.
b. Beware, that if one does what is suggested by the lines inside the comments the results will have more hits/stocks than this specific filter, if run each day for the past 251 days, would provide.
Ed S.
xarlor 592 posts msg #152153 - Ignore xarlor |
5/11/2020 10:06:33 AM
Whoops! nibor is right. The corrected filter and instructions are below:
JoeyVinyl 125 posts msg #152157 - Ignore JoeyVinyl |
5/11/2020 4:42:07 PM
Thanks, nibor! That would explain why it ran sometimes but not others. I should have seen that.
sandjco 648 posts msg #152166 - Ignore sandjco |
5/12/2020 9:05:57 AM
Morning all!
When I took out the "sector" tells me i need to upgrade my subscription! Any way around that?