StockFetcher Forums · Filter Exchange · Alpha Filter based on Ron Groenke Visions V<< 1 ... 5 6 7 8 9 >>Post Follow-up
1,055 posts
msg #146691
Ignore nibor100
2/22/2019 4:28:20 PM


I believe that the following group of lines from your latest filter don't always get you the 3 consecutive days up in price; but do always get you today's close is up in relation to each of those 3 days when each day is considered separately.

set{upa, count(close > close 1 day ago,1)}
set{upb, count(close > close 2 days ago,1)}
set{upc, count(close > close 3 dsys ago,1)}
set{upd, upa + upb}
set{up, upd + upc}

Ed S.

1,374 posts
msg #146692
Ignore Cheese
2/22/2019 4:56:45 PM

set{upa, count(close > close 1 day ago,1)}
set{upb, count(close 1 day ago > close 2 days ago,1)}
set{upc, count(close 2 days ago > close 3 days ago,1)}
set{upd, upa + upb}
set{up, upd + upc}
up > 2

1,374 posts
msg #146693
Ignore Cheese
2/22/2019 5:11:35 PM


/* SAFeTRADE modified 2/20/2019 12:48:18 PM with suggested changes */

/* all credits to SAFeTRADE modified 2/20/2019 12:48:18 PM with suggested changes */

set{clsaboveuab, count(close crossed above Upper Acceleration Band(30),1)}
set{cls, close}
set{52wklow, count(low reached a new 52 week low,1)}
set{20wklow, count(low reached a new 20 week low,1)}

set{fda50, close / ma(50)}
set{fda20, close / ma(20)} /* ************ suggested change typo corrected approved by SAFeTRADE */

set{fda50a, count(fda50 above .95,1) * count(fda50 below 1.05,1)}
set{fda,fda50a * 30}

set{fda20a, count(fda20 above .95,1) * count(fda20 below 1.05,1)}
set{fda2,fda20a * 30}

set{hl52, high 52 week high - low 52 week low}
set{blb, hl52 * .25}
set{bl, low 52 week low + blb}

set{bra, bl - close}
set{brb, 10 * bra}
set{brc, brb / blb}

/*********************************************************************52 week****/

set{hl20, high 20 week high - low 20 week low}
set{blb2, hl20 * .50}
set{bl2, low 20 week low + blb2}

set{bra2, bl2 - close}
set{brb2, 10 * bra2}
set{brc2, brb2 / blb2}


/* Point 52 week low */

set{pointb1, bl * .125}
set{pointb, bl + pointb1}

set{pointc, low 52 week low + pointb1}
set{pntc, pointc}

/* Point20 20 week low */

set{pointb21, bl2 * .125}
set{pointb2, bl2 + pointb21}

set{pointc2, low 20 week low + pointb21}
set{pntc2, pointc2}

set{profit52, pointb / close}
set{profit20, pointb2 / close}

set{taa, ma(50) * 2}
set{tab, taa - close}
set{tac, ma(50) / tab }
set{tad, tac + 1}
set{tai, brc * tad}

set{taa2, ma(20) * 2}
set{tab2, taa2 - close}
set{tac2, ma(20) / tab2 }
set{tad2, tac2 + 1}
set{tai2, brc2 * tad2}

set{gr, count(tai above 10,1)}
set{ta, count(tai between -5 and 10,1)}
set{wait, count(tai between -10 and -4.9,1)}
set{bad_idea, count(tai below -10,1)}

set{gr2, count(tai2 above 10,1)}
set{ta2, count(tai2 between -5 and 10,1)}
set{wait2, count(tai2 between -10 and -4.9,1)}
set{bad_idea2, count(tai2 below -10,1)}

/* */

set{abvpc,count(close is above pointc,20)}

set{cabvpc, count(close > pointc,1)}
set{cblopb, count(close < pointb,1)}
set{in_zone, cabvpc * cblopb}

set{upa, count(close > close 1 day ago,1)}
set{upb, count(close 1 day ago > close 2 days ago,1)} /* *************** suggested changes */
set{upc, count(close 2 days ago > close 3 days ago,1)} /* ************** suggested changes */
set{upd, upa + upb}
set{up, upd + upc}
up > 2 /* *********** suggested changes only if you want 3 days up */

set{g2, up * 3.334}/*days up * 10*/

set{g3, in_zone * 30}/* within Pointb and pointc * 30 will be either 0 or 30*/
set{g3a, fda * 2}
set{g4, g2+g3}

set{g5, g3a + g4}/* 10 * Number of days up + 2 * Number of days between pointb and pointc */

/* */

set{abvpc2,count(close is above pointc2,20)}

set{cabvpc2, count(close > pointc2,1)}
set{cblopb2, count(close < pointb2,1)}
set{in_zone2, cabvpc2 * cblopb2}

set{upa2, count(close > close 1 day ago,1)}
set{upb2, count(close 1 day ago > close 2 days ago,1)} /* *************** suggested changes */
set{upc2, count(close 2 days ago > close 3 days ago,1)} /* ************** suggested changes */
set{upd2, upa2 + upb2}
set{up2, upd2 + upc2}
up2 > 2 /* *********** suggested changes only if you want 3 days up */

set{g22, up * 3.334}/*days up * 10*/

set{g32, in_zone * 30}/* within Pointb and pointc * 30 will be either 0 or 30*/
set{g32a, fda * 2}
set{g42, g2+g3}

set{g52, g3a + g4}/* 10 * Number of days up + 2 * Number of days between pointb and pointc */

/********************* Start Universe of Stocks*****************************************************/
dow 30
market_cap above 1000
not otcbb
close above 5
volume above 500000
/*close below buylimit
close above pntc
do not draw pntc
do not draw buylimit*/
/*close below buylimit2
close above pntc2
do not draw pntc2
do not draw buylimit2*/

/********************* End Universe of Stocks*******************************************************/

add column gr
add column ta
/*add column wait
add column bad_idea*/
add column separator
add column gr2
add column ta2
/*add column wait2
add column bad_idea2*/
add column separator

/*add column up{days_up52}*/
/*add column g22
add column g32
add column g42
add column g4a2*/
add column g5{gold52}
add column separator
/*add column up2{days_up20}*/
add column g52{gold20}

draw bl on plot price
draw bl2 on plot price
draw pointc on plot price
draw pointc2 on plot price
draw ma(50)
draw ma(20)
add column separator
/*add column up{days_up}
add column g2{daysup*10}
add column g3{between_b_andC_=30}*/
/* add column g3
add column g4{inrange 50}*/
add column fda*/
/*add column g4a{number_of_days_*2}*/
add column g5{Gold}

draw 52wklow
draw 20wklow

draw tai line at 10
draw tai line at -5
draw tai2 line at 10
draw tai2 line at 5

add column brc{Rank52}
add column brc2{rank20}

add column tai{tai52}
add column tai2{tai20}

/*add column bl
add column bl2*/
add column separator
add column pointc{stop52}
add column pointb{profit52}
add column profit52{profit%52}
add column separator
add column pointc2{stop20}
add column pointb2{profit20}
add column profit20{profit%20}
add column in_zone{within_b&c50}
add column in_zone2{within_b&c20}
add column clsaboveuab
add column market_cap
/*draw low 52 week low
draw low 20 week low*/

draw fda50 line at .95
draw fda50 line at 1.05

draw fda20 line at .95
draw fda20 line at 1.05

draw Williams %R(30)
draw cci(30) line at 100
draw cci(30) line at -100
draw Upper Acceleration Band(30) on plot cls
draw clsaboveuab

chart-length 6 months

1,374 posts
msg #146694
Ignore Cheese
2/22/2019 5:25:09 PM

Thank you, Ed S nibor100 and SAFeTRADE,
For everyone's convenience, I've coded the suggested changes,
subject to SAFeTRADE's concurrence.

649 posts
msg #146695
2/22/2019 5:53:14 PM

Ed S thanks for picking that up, I missed that and Cheese for editing it out and putting in the correct code.

Much appreciated.


649 posts
msg #146756
2/28/2019 3:28:50 PM

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Would one or more of the math wizards on this site check my coding and math to see if I have coded
this correctly.

set{fdal, ma(50) * .95}
set{fdah, ma(50) * 1.05}
set{zz, count(close above fdah,1)}
set{xx, count(zz > 0,1)}
set{adays252, count(xx above 0,252)}
set{adays20, count(xx above 0,20)}

set{fdays, 20}
set{tdays, 252}


set{x, tdays - fdays}
set{x2, x / tdays}

set{y, adays252 / fdays}
set{y2, x2 * y}
set{pofa1, y2 *1}


set{b, fdays / tdays}
set{b2, tdays - fdays}
set{b3, adays20 / b2}
set{pofa2, b * b3}

set{pofa, pofa1 * pofa2}

s&p 500

add column pofa
add column pofa1
add column pofa2

add column adays252/*traded above ma50 + .05 in a year*/
add column adays20/*traded above ma50 + .05 in the last 20 days*/
add column roc(13,1)
draw ma(50)
chart-length 1 year

This a performance of price achievement piece for the Visions V filter. Also called a Odds Enhancer.

I will be posting an updated filter at some point.


178 posts
msg #146768
Ignore jimvin
3/1/2019 11:20:00 AM

My compliments Cheese.

Copying your code into a spreadsheet, then reducing all double- and triple-spaces to single lines, I believe you've topped TRO as creating the longest filter on Stockfetcher, clocking in at a whopping 229 lines.

1,374 posts
msg #146770
Ignore Cheese
3/1/2019 11:54:01 AM

Thank you, jimvin, but I've only done minimal editing to SAFeTRADE's code
All the credits for the GROENKE stuff that counts in this thread
should go to SAFeTRADE, nibor100 & snappyfrog

My personal filters are more like four, very few lines of code, very few lines of chart
most of the time.

Here's my own all-time favorite:
Credits for the ideas go to BFreshour, TRO, and WSG riggs

draw Fisher Transform(10) line at 0
draw rsi(5)
draw cci(14)
draw adx(5)
draw ema(13)
add column Fisher Transform(10) {FT10}

1,055 posts
msg #146775
Ignore nibor100
3/1/2019 4:26:05 PM

a 2 line version:

symlist(SSO,SDS) draw Fisher Transform(10) line at 0 draw rsi(5) draw cci(14) draw adx(5) draw ema(13)
add column Fisher Transform(10) {FT10}

Ed S.

1,374 posts
msg #146776
Ignore Cheese
3/1/2019 9:04:09 PM

nibor100 3/1/2019 4:26:05 PM
a 2 line version:

Mine looks a lot clearer ,^)

StockFetcher Forums · Filter Exchange · Alpha Filter based on Ron Groenke Visions V<< 1 ... 5 6 7 8 9 >>Post Follow-up

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