StockFetcher Forums · Stock Picks and Trading · Intraday Alerts<< 1 ... 1546 1547 1548 1549 1550 ... 1903 >>Post Follow-up
4,599 posts
msg #130720
Ignore Kevin_in_GA
8/31/2016 9:48:30 AM

8/29/2016 9:41:34 AM

Short 400 shares of RAVN at $25.00

Out at $24.75 for 1% ($97 after commissions).

139 posts
msg #130721
Ignore ThaGekko
8/31/2016 9:52:16 AM

Nice Kevin. Are you still holding VXX?

4,599 posts
msg #130722
Ignore Kevin_in_GA
8/31/2016 10:00:17 AM

Yes - 1000 shares at $36.10. Currently flat. No new signals from last night.

77 posts
msg #130723
Ignore c1916
8/31/2016 10:14:13 AM

In hindsight, what was the signal that attracted you to Raven? On my filters, I didn't see any reason to expect it to drop.

4,599 posts
msg #130724
Ignore Kevin_in_GA
8/31/2016 10:47:00 AM

Here you go:

set{tradesize, 20000}
set{shares1, tradesize / close}
set{sharestoshort, round(shares1,0)}
close 1 day ago above Upper Bollinger Band(20,3) 1 day ago
close above Upper Bollinger Band(20,3)
Close above 5
average volume(30) above 250000
Volume above 250000
add column average volume(30)
add column Bollinger %B(20,3)
sort on column 6 descending
add column sharestoshort {Shares to short}

RAVN popped up on this filter last Wednesday - I did not enter immediately at the close and watched it last week. When it hit $25.00 I decided to take a swing at it.

77 posts
msg #130731
Ignore c1916
8/31/2016 11:49:14 AM

I playing for a reversion after two days of closing above the upper band.

Interestingly, though, if you were to scan for the inverse (two days of closing below the lower band) the past week or so indicates that one would be better off continuing the short instead of playing for a reversion.

4,599 posts
msg #130733
Ignore Kevin_in_GA
8/31/2016 12:36:59 PM

Out of VXX at $37.15 for a gain of $1045 after commissions

Frustrating - ^VIX up 8.77% right now, but VXX only up 2.30%. There is not really a good surrogate for ^VIX over short time frames (e.g., less than 20 days);

add column corr(^VIX,10,close) {10 day correlation}
add column corr(^VIX,20,close) {20 day correlation}
add column corr(^VIX,60,close) {60 day correlation}
sort on column 5 descending
offset 1 day

139 posts
msg #130734
Ignore ThaGekko
8/31/2016 12:42:41 PM

I understand what you're saying, but you could always play TVIX

4,599 posts
msg #130735
Ignore Kevin_in_GA
8/31/2016 12:43:31 PM

Just to clarify - this exit was based only on seeing a decent profit, not from any filter signal. Here I am just watching the ^SPX bounce between 2160 and 2180 and playing for a bounce off of support or resistance. Purely discretionary exits.

1,065 posts
msg #130737
Ignore mahkoh
8/31/2016 1:47:44 PM

You could trade VIX options or futures. Or trade CFD's through an MT4 provider.

StockFetcher Forums · Stock Picks and Trading · Intraday Alerts<< 1 ... 1546 1547 1548 1549 1550 ... 1903 >>Post Follow-up

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