StockFetcher Forums · Filter Exchange · Connors TPS<< 1 2 3 4 >>Post Follow-up
725 posts
msg #146179
Ignore davesaint86
1/20/2019 4:55:22 PM

Ron22 - Hence, now you know why I call it the monkey wrench filter. I've seen the DMA repaint up to two days. I usually wait two full days to buy after a DMA signal. This is why I use other confirming signals using other indicators.

6,049 posts
msg #146181
Ignore shillllihs
1/20/2019 7:00:13 PM

So what percentage does the Dma system work for you?

1,374 posts
msg #146182
Ignore Cheese
1/20/2019 7:20:54 PM

@ron22 1/20/2019 4:37:50 PM
davesaint86 & cheese, I do not understand why you would use DMA(7,5) in this or any filter. I personally have seen DMA repaint on more than one occasion. Repainting makes any back test results incorrect. Right?

Volumes have been written about DMA in this forum.

I will attempt a hopefully useful explanation and list some useful links for you.
But I have no desire to explain or discuss DMA with anyone. That's the job of Stockfetcher staff
who I honestly believe have done an excellent job.

DMA displaced forward do not repaint, and it is fairly commonly used in investing and trading.
Please check with your brokerage house, investment banks and advisers.

DMA displaced backward as presented by Stockfetcher is a feature that is liked by those who
know how to use it, and abhored by those who have not read the explanations, or who have
not understood it.

Stockfetcher staff have stated in more than one instances that DMA displaced backward do
in fact repaint until it reaches a certain point, and they explain that mechanism here:

and here

BlackBars started a discussion thread on DMA here:

BlackBars also provided two screenshots here:

You can find my collection of DMA links on Stockfetcher here:

With regards to backtesting, I still chuckle when I re-read alf44's comments here.
If you don't think alf44's comments were funny at all, how about this comment from my banker
to customers about account balances: If you don't like it, don't look at it.
As for DMA, one of four's comments was: To each his own.

If you decide to invest your time on DMA, do keep an open mind, don't let the loud opinions from others
influence you one way or another, may be your time investment could very well be worth it.
If you want good examples of how some smart people use DMA displaced backward , please
refer to the good work of davesaint86, Mactheriverrat, karennma, four, and riggs wallstreetgenius
the one who started all this spirited discussion..

This will be my one and only post on DMA on this thread.


725 posts
msg #146183
Ignore davesaint86
1/20/2019 8:17:50 PM

Thanks Cheese.

Shills - What I've seen it do for example, on day one it would show a 1 in the number of days since triggered. On day two I've seen in where it started off with a 2 in the number of days since the triggered and by the afternoon it would show 3 days since the signal triggered and then signal back at 2 by the time the market closed. I've only seen this happen a few times. I never seen this happen on the weekly version. I'm definitely not an expert on DMAs. Could the fluctuations be caused if there was more than one cross during the day and then a re-cross? I just noticed that Cheese posted this from SF.

725 posts
msg #146184
Ignore davesaint86
1/20/2019 8:23:03 PM

I actually use this filter to get in an out of my 401k selections. I used the second plot of DMA8 signals to purchase BA. (January 7th trigger not the ones two weeks before from the first set of plots). I use the other indicators to confirm the weekly DMA8. Mac developed the two sets of plots in the filter.

Fetcher[apply to symlist(ba,shy,cwi,iwm,agg,spy)

draw Average Volume(30)
draw weekly cma(DMA(8,-5),1)
draw weekly cma(DMA(8,-5),8)

draw weekly ema(25)
draw weekly ema(40)

Set{cntcmadma1abovecmadma8,count( cma(DMA(8,-5),1) > cma(DMA(8,-5),8) ,1)}
draw cntcmadma1abovecmadma8

Set{cntcmadma1abovecmadma8b,count( cma(DMA(8,-5),1)< cma(DMA(8,-5),8) ,1)}

draw cntcmadma1abovecmadma8b

/* AxA is number of consecutive days cma(DMA(8,-5),1) above (+)/below(-) previous cma(DMA(8,-5),8) */
set{AAb,days( weekly cma(DMA(8,-5),1) is above weekly cma(DMA(8,-5),8) ,250)}
set{AAa,days( weekly cma(DMA(8,-5),1) is below weekly cma(DMA(8,-5),8) ,250)}
set{wmax8, AAa - AAb}
do not Draw AxA

Set{cntcmadma8abovecmadma8,count( cma(DMA(8,-5),8) > cma(DMA(8,-5),8) 1day ago,1)}
draw cntcmadma8abovecmadma8

Set{cntcmadma8abovecmadma8b,count( cma(DMA(8,-5),8)< cma(DMA(8,-5),8) 1day ago,1)}

draw cntcmadma8abovecmadma8b

set{E3,cma(dma(8,-5),1)-cma(DMA(8,-5),8) }
set{Fastdma8Longposition, count(E3 > 0,1)}
set{Fastdma8Shortposition, count(E3 < 0,1)}
draw Fastdma8Longposition on plot
draw Fastdma8Shortposition on plot
draw weekly macd(2,3,1) /* TheRumpledOne StockHolyGrail lerogee Kevin_in_GA */
draw weekly macd(2,3,1) line at .50
set{E6,weekly dma(8,-5),8)- weekly cma(DMA(8,-5),8) }
set{wLongposition, count(E6 > 0,1)}
set{wShortposition, count(E6 < 0,1)}
and draw Slow Stochastic(14,3) Fast %K line at 20.00 and draw Slow Stochastic(14,3) Fast %K line at 80.00
and draw Slow Stochastic(14,3) Fast %K line at 50.00
and draw Slow Stochastic(5,1) Fast %K line at 20.00 and draw Slow Stochastic(5,1) Fast %K line at 80.00 and draw Slow Stochastic(5,1) Fast %K line at 50.00
draw macd(8,17,5)

set{E7, close above weekly ema(4)}
set{W4Longposition, count(E7 > 0,1)}
set{W4Shortposition, count(E7 < 0,1)}

set{E8, close above weekly ema(13)}
set{W13Longposition, count(E8 > 0,1)}
set{W13Shortposition, count(E8 < 0,1)}

set{E2, close above weekly ema(25)}
set{W25Longposition, count(E2 > 0,1)}
set{W25Shortposition, count(E2 < 0,1)}

set{E1, close above weekly ema(40)}
set{W40Longposition, count(E1 > 0,1)}
set{W40Shortposition, count(E1 < 0,1)}

Set{ATR1, high 10 day high}
high 10 day high
do not draw high 10 day high
Set{Stop1, ATR1 * .03}
Set{Sell, high 10 day high - stop1}

set{vmult, atr(10) * 1.5}
set{vstopu1a, low 5 day low + vmult}
set{vstopu2a, close + vmult}
set{vstop, min(vstopu1a 1 day ago,vstopu2a)}

set{E11, close is above vstop}
set{VLongposition, count(E11 > 0,1)}
set{VShortposition, count(E11< 0,1)}


set{CRS4, weekly rsi(7),1)}
set{CRS5, weekly rsi(14),1)}
set{CRS6, weekly rsi(30),1)}

set{RSI30, RSI(30) - 50}
set{CRSI_Bar, RSI30}
draw CRSI_Bar
set{RSI14, RSI(14) - 50}
set{RSI14_line, RSI14}
draw RSI14 on plot CRSI_Bar
set{RSI7, RSI(7) - 50}
set{RSI7_line, RSI7}
draw RSI7 on plot CRSI_Bar
add column separator
add column wmax8 {wma_x}
add column separator
add column e6 {delta}
add column separator
add column wLongposition {wdma8}
add column separator
add column Fastdma8Longposition {DMA8}
add column separator

add column vstop
add column separator
add column VLongposition {Vbuy}
add column separator

add column high 10 day high {10d-H}
add column separator
add column Sell {3% TS}
add column separator

add column W4Longposition {WEMA4}
add column separator
add column W13Longposition {WEMA13}
add column separator
add column W25Longposition {WEMA25}
add column separator
add column W40Longposition {WEMA40}
add column separator

ADD COLUMN ROC(126,1) {6 mth %}
add column separator
ADD COLUMN ROC(63,1) {3 mth %}
add column separator
ADD COLUMN ROC(21,1) {1 mth %}

add column separator

add column RSI(2)
add column separator

add column atr(21) {Atr}
add column separator
add column average day range (21){ADR%}
add column separator
add column rsi(7)
add column separator
add column rsi(14)
add column separator
add column rsi(30)
add column separator
add column weekly rsi(7){W7}
add column separator
add column weekly rsi(14){W14}
add column separator
add column weekly rsi(30){W30}
do not draw MACD(12,26)
do not drawn line 0
do not draw MA(250)
do not draw MA(50)
do not draw EMA(250)
chart-display is weekly

chart-time is 2 years

725 posts
msg #146186
Ignore davesaint86
1/21/2019 8:35:04 AM

apply to symlist(eev,vixy,upro,shy,spxu,tmf,tmv,tna,tza,ziv,vxz,ugld,dgld,uwt,dwt,soxl,soxs,tecl,tecs,udow,sdow,dgaz,ugaz,fxp,dgp,uslv,dslv,tqqq,sqqq)
chart-time 5 months

draw weekly ma(21)

Set{ADR15, ATR(20) * 1.50} /* davesaint86 */
Set{ATR1, high 10 day high - ADR15} /* davesaint86 */
Set{Buy1, high 10 day high - ADR15} /* davesaint86 */

draw BUY1 on plot price /* buy or hold above; sell or wait below */
Set{Long,count(close > buy1 ,1)}
Set{Short,count(close < buy1 ,1)}
set{E20,close - buy1 }

draw long on plot
draw short on plot

set{E9, close above T3(5,0.7)}
set{DLongposition, count(E9 > 0,1)}
set{DShortposition, count(E9 < 0,1)}

set{CRS1, rsi(7),1)}
set{CRS2, rsi(14),1)}
set{CRS3, rsi(30),1)}
set{CCRS1, CRS1 + CRS2}
set{CCRS2, CCRS1 + CRS3}
set{CCRS3, CCRS2 /3}

set{CRS4, weekly rsi(7),1)}
set{CRS5, weekly rsi(14),1)}
set{CRS6, weekly rsi(30),1)}

set{WCRS1, CRS4 + CRS5}
set{WCRS2, WCRS1 + CRS6}
set{WCRS3, WCRS2 /3}
set{CWRSI1, CCRS3 + WCRS3}
set{C-RSI, CWRSI1 /2}
set{RSI14, RSI(14) - 50}
set{CRSI_Bar, RSI14}
draw CRSI_Bar
set{RSI7, RSI(7) - 50}
set{RSI7_line, RS7}
draw RSI7 on plot CRSI_Bar
set{RSI4, RSI(4) - 50}
set{RSI4_line, RSI4}
draw RSI4 on plot CRSI_Bar

set{drsilong1, count(rsi(30) above 5, 1)}
set{drsilong2, count(rsi(7) above rsi(30), 1)}
set{drsilong3, count(rsi(14) above rsi(30), 1)}
set{drsilong4, drsilong1 + drsilong2}
set{drsilong5, drsilong4 + drsilong3}
set{drsilong, count(drsilong5 equals 3, 1)}
set{drsishort, count(drsilong5 less than 3, 1)}

set{wrsi1, weekly rsi(7)}
set{wrsi2, weekly rsi(30)}
set{wrsi3, count(wrsi1 > wrsi2,1)}
set{wrsilong, count(wrsi3 equals 1, 1)}
set{wrsishort, count(wrsi3 less than 1, 1)}

set{CRS21, ROC(21,1)}
set{CRS63, ROC(63,1)}
set{CRS126, ROC(126,1)}
set{CR1, CRS21 + CRS63}
set{C-RS, CR1 + CRS126}

set{wsto, weekly Slow Stochastics(14,3)}
set{dsto, Slow Stochastics(14,3)}
set{wdsto, wsto + dsto}
set{CSTO, wdsto / 2}
set{TWRSI7, weekly RSI(7)}
set{TWRSI14, weekly RSI(14)}
set{TWRSI30, weekly RSI(30)}
set{A-WRSI, TWRSI2 / 3}
set{TDRSI7, RSI(7)}
set{TDRSI14, RSI(14)}
set{TDRSI30, RSI(30)}
set{A-DRSI, TDRSI2 / 3}

add column separator
add column long {Long}
add column separator
add column buy1 {Trigger}
add column separator
add column e20 {$ Delta}
add column separator
set{e21, e20 / close}
set{e22, e21 *100}
add column e22 {% Delta}
add column separator
add column MA(200)

add column separator
add column dlongposition {t3}
add column separator

add column csto
add column c-rsi

add column RSI(2)
add column separator
add column atr(20) {Atr}
add column separator
add column average day range (20){ADR}

255 posts
msg #146187
Ignore ron22
1/21/2019 8:53:54 AM

cheese and davesaint86, Thank you for your comments and filters. I apologize for not reading more posts about DMA before asking my repaint question. I should gain a lot of insight from the links that you provided.
Thanks again.

733 posts
msg #146188
Ignore snappyfrog
1/21/2019 9:31:15 AM

davesaint86 - my take away from your last filter:

apply to symlist(eev,vixy,upro,shy,spxu,tmf,tmv,tna,tza,ziv,vxz,ugld,dgld,uwt,dwt,soxl,soxs,tecl,tecs,udow,sdow,dgaz,ugaz,fxp,dgp,uslv,dslv,tqqq,sqqq)

draw weekly ma(21)

Set{ADR15, ATR(20) * 1.50} /* davesaint86 */
Set{Buy1, high 10 day high - ADR15} /* davesaint86 */

draw BUY1 on plot price /* buy or hold above; sell or wait below */
Set{Long,count(close > buy1 ,1)}
Set{Short,count(close < buy1 ,1)}

draw long on plot

set{RSI7, RSI(7) - 50}
set{RSI4, RSI(4) - 50}
set{LongRSI,count(RSI4 > RSI7 ,1)}
draw LongRSI on plot


I only post the long of the buy1 and RSI4 > RSI7 as the absence of a bar tells me it is "short".

725 posts
msg #146190
Ignore davesaint86
1/21/2019 11:54:50 AM

Fetcher[apply to symlist(ief,edv,spy,iwm,gld,iev,ilf,ewj,aaxj,shy,qqq,mdy)
chart-time 5 months

draw weekly ma(21)
draw smi(40,18,1)
draw SMI(40,18,1) line at 0
draw SMI(40,18,1) line at -40
draw SMI(40,18,1) line at 40
draw SMI(40,18,1) line at 100

and draw Slow Stochastic(14,3) Fast %K line at 20.00 and draw Slow Stochastic(14,3) Fast %K line at 80.00
and draw Slow Stochastic(14,3) Fast %K line at 50.00

Set{ADR15, ATR(20) * 1.50} /* davesaint86 */
Set{ATR1, high 10 day high - ADR15} /* davesaint86 */
Set{Buy1, high 10 day high - ADR15} /* davesaint86 */

draw BUY1 on plot price /* buy or hold above; sell or wait below */
Set{Long,count(close > buy1 ,1)}
Set{Short,count(close < buy1 ,1)}
set{E20,close - buy1 }

draw long on plot
draw short on plot

set{E9, close above T3(5,0.7)}
set{DLongposition, count(E9 > 0,1)}
set{DShortposition, count(E9 < 0,1)}

set{CRS1, rsi(7),1)}
set{CRS2, rsi(14),1)}
set{CRS3, rsi(30),1)}
set{CCRS1, CRS1 + CRS2}
set{CCRS2, CCRS1 + CRS3}
set{CCRS3, CCRS2 /3}

set{CRS4, weekly rsi(7),1)}
set{CRS5, weekly rsi(14),1)}
set{CRS6, weekly rsi(30),1)}

set{WCRS1, CRS4 + CRS5}
set{WCRS2, WCRS1 + CRS6}
set{WCRS3, WCRS2 /3}
set{CWRSI1, CCRS3 + WCRS3}
set{C-RSI, CWRSI1 /2}
set{RSI14, RSI(14) - 50}
set{CRSI_Bar, RSI14}
draw CRSI_Bar
set{RSI7, RSI(7) - 50}
set{RSI7_line, RS7}
draw RSI7 on plot CRSI_Bar
set{RSI4, RSI(4) - 50}
set{RSI4_line, RSI4}
draw RSI4 on plot CRSI_Bar

set{drsilong1, count(rsi(30) above 5, 1)}
set{drsilong2, count(rsi(7) above rsi(30), 1)}
set{drsilong3, count(rsi(14) above rsi(30), 1)}
set{drsilong4, drsilong1 + drsilong2}
set{drsilong5, drsilong4 + drsilong3}
set{drsilong, count(drsilong5 equals 3, 1)}
set{drsishort, count(drsilong5 less than 3, 1)}

set{wrsi1, weekly rsi(7)}
set{wrsi2, weekly rsi(30)}
set{wrsi3, count(wrsi1 > wrsi2,1)}
set{wrsilong, count(wrsi3 equals 1, 1)}
set{wrsishort, count(wrsi3 less than 1, 1)}

set{CRS21, ROC(21,1)}
set{CRS63, ROC(63,1)}
set{CRS126, ROC(126,1)}
set{CR1, CRS21 + CRS63}
set{C-RS, CR1 + CRS126}

set{wsto, weekly Slow Stochastics(14,3)}
set{dsto, Slow Stochastics(14,3)}
set{wdsto, wsto + dsto}
set{CSTO, wdsto / 2}
set{TWRSI7, weekly RSI(7)}
set{TWRSI14, weekly RSI(14)}
set{TWRSI30, weekly RSI(30)}
set{A-WRSI, TWRSI2 / 3}
set{TDRSI7, RSI(7)}
set{TDRSI14, RSI(14)}
set{TDRSI30, RSI(30)}
set{A-DRSI, TDRSI2 / 3}

set{LongRSI,count(RSI7 > RSI14 ,1)}
draw LongRSI on plot

add column separator
add column long {Long}
add column separator
add column buy1 {Trigger}
add column separator
add column e20 {$ Delta}
add column separator
set{e21, e20 / close}
set{e22, e21 *100}
add column e22 {% Delta}
add column separator
add column MA(200)
add column separator

add column dlongposition {t3}
add column separator
ADD COLUMN ROC(126,1) {6 mth %}
add column separator

ADD COLUMN ROC(63,1) {3 mth %}
add column separator
ADD COLUMN ROC(21,1) {1 mth %}
add column separator

add column csto
add column c-rsi

add column RSI(2)
add column separator
add column atr(20) {Atr}
add column separator
add column average day range (20){ADR}


1,374 posts
msg #146191
Ignore Cheese
1/21/2019 1:18:40 PM

ron22 1/21/2019 8:53:54 AM
cheese and davesaint86, Thank you for your comments and filters. I apologize for not reading more posts about DMA before asking my repaint question. I should gain a lot of insight from the links that you provided.
Thanks again.

no apology, please.
I'd be happy to be of more help to you in another setting.
I just want to prevent protracted discussions that are not within my purview,
Thank you for understanding.

StockFetcher Forums · Filter Exchange · Connors TPS<< 1 2 3 4 >>Post Follow-up

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