StockFetcher Forums · Filter Exchange · Connors TPS<< 1 2 3 4 >>Post Follow-up
725 posts
msg #146101
Ignore davesaint86
1/16/2019 3:21:14 PM

Just throwing this strategy out there. Have never used it. Curious if other have.

Connors TPS – Time, Price, Scale-in Strategy
Here are the TPS rules on the long side:
1. The ETF is above the MA(200)
2. The 2-period RSI is below 25 two days in a row. Buy 10% of you position on the close.
3. If prices are lower on the close than your previous entry price, any day you’re in the position, buy 20% more of your position (again you’re averaging in).
4. If prices are lower on the close than your previous entry price, any day you’re in the position, buy 30% more of your position.
5. If prices are lower on the close than your previous entry price, any day you’re in the position, buy 40% more of your position. Using this 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% scaling-in approach (also known as 1-2-3-4) you now have a full position in a very oversold ETF.
6. Exit on the close when the 2-period RSI closes above 70.

Fetcher[apply to symlist(ba,iwm,fdn,ibb,rpv,qqq,fdn,vgt,iwp,ita,robo,xlk,psq,tbt,tlt,nvda,qld,sso,aapl,def,usmv,psch,mlpa,amlp,mla,amj,vht,vdc,vcr,sqqq,psq,iwp,tqqq,ziv,vxx,faz)

Show Stocks where close is above 5 an close is above MA(150)

Set{ADR15, ATR(20) * 1.5}
Set{ADR25, ATR(20) * 2.5}
Set{ADR35, ATR(20) * 3.5}
Set{ADR45, ATR(20) * 4.5}
Set{ADR55, ATR(20) * 5.5}

Set{ATR1, high 10 day high - ADR15}
Set{ATR2, high 10 day high - ADR25}
Set{ATR3, high 10 day high - ADR35}
Set{ATR4, high 10 day high - ADR45}
Set{ATR5, high 10 day high - ADR55}
Set{Buy1, high 10 day high - ADR15}
Set{Buy2, high 10 day high - ADR25}
Set{Buy3, high 10 day high - ADR35}
Set{Buy4, high 10 day high - ADR45}
Set{Buy5, high 10 day high - ADR55}

Set{ATR6, low 10 day low + ADR15}
Set{ATR7, low 10 day low + ADR25}
Set{ATR8, low 10 day low + ADR35}
Set{ATR9, low 10 day low + ADR45}
Set{ATR10, low 10 day low + ADR55}
Set{Sell1, low 10 day low + ADR15}
Set{Sell2, low 10 day low + ADR25}
Set{Sell3, low 10 day low + ADR35}
Set{Sell4, low 10 day low + ADR45}
Set{Sell5, low 10 day low + ADR55}

and draw Slow Stochastic(5,1) Fast %K line at 20.00 and draw Slow Stochastic(5,1) Fast %K line at 80.00
and draw Slow Stochastic(5,1) Fast %K line at 50.00
set{RSI9, RSI(9) - 50}
set{CRSI_Bar, RSI9}
draw CRSI_Bar
set{RSI4, RSI(4) - 50}
set{RSI4_line, RSI4}
draw RSI4 on plot CRSI_Bar
set{RSI2, RSI(2) - 50}
set{RSI2_line, RSI2}
draw RSI2 on plot CRSI_Bar
and add column separator

add column low 10 day low {10d-L}
and add column separator
and add column Sell5
and add column separator
and add column Sell4
and add column separator
and add column Sell3
and add column separator
and add column Sell2
and add column separator
and add column Sell1
and add column separator
add column high 10 day high {10d-H}
add column separator
and add column Buy1
and add column separator
and add column Buy2
and add column separator
and add column Buy3
and add column separator
and add column Buy4
and add column separator
and add column Buy5
and add column separator

add column MA(150)
add column separator

and add column atr(20) {ATR}
and add column separator
and add column average day range(20) {ADR}
and add column separator
add column RSI(2) {RSI2-T}
add column separator
add column RSI(2) 1 day ago {RSI2-1}
add column separator
add column RSI(2) 2 days ago {RSI2-2}
add column separator
add column RSI(2) 3 days ago {RSI2-3}
add column separator
add column RSI(2) 4 days ago {RSI2-4}
add column separator
add column RSI(2) 5 days ago {RSI2-5}
add column separator
add column RSI(2) 6 days ago {RSI2-6}
add column separator
add column RSI(2) 7 days ago {RSI2-7}
add column separator
and draw average volume(90)
draw ema(4)
draw ma(6)

do not draw MA(150)
do not draw MA(50)
do not draw MA(200)
and do not draw MA(10)
and do not draw MA(20)
draw rsi(2) line at 25 and draw rsi(2) line at 70

draw weekly ma(21)
chart-time is 120 days

6,049 posts
msg #146114
Ignore shillllihs
1/16/2019 9:39:52 PM

Best filter so far this year. Nice find. I would trade it for 1 day bounces. Highly profitable.

974 posts
msg #146121
Ignore miketranz
1/17/2019 5:19:12 PM

Dave,good work.I always liked Connors setups,practical,workable,to the point.Any idea on winning percentages? I'll take a guess they're in the 70% range.Best,Miketranz...

173 posts
msg #146122
Ignore scott111552
1/17/2019 7:24:01 PM

I hope you good people don't mind that I've tweaked this filter a bit to fit my trading style....My desire is that someone might find it useful..
Fetcher[stocks are nasdaq
volume > 100000

sort column 3 ascending

Show Stocks where close is between 1 and 20 and close is above MA(150)

Set{ADR15, ATR(20) * 1.5}
Set{ADR25, ATR(20) * 2.5}
Set{ADR35, ATR(20) * 3.5}
Set{ADR45, ATR(20) * 4.5}
Set{ADR55, ATR(20) * 5.5}

Set{ATR1, high 10 day high - ADR15}
Set{ATR2, high 10 day high - ADR25}
Set{ATR3, high 10 day high - ADR35}
Set{ATR4, high 10 day high - ADR45}
Set{ATR5, high 10 day high - ADR55}
Set{Buy1, high 10 day high - ADR15}
Set{Buy2, high 10 day high - ADR25}
Set{Buy3, high 10 day high - ADR35}
Set{Buy4, high 10 day high - ADR45}
Set{Buy5, high 10 day high - ADR55}

Set{ATR6, low 10 day low + ADR15}
Set{ATR7, low 10 day low + ADR25}
Set{ATR8, low 10 day low + ADR35}
Set{ATR9, low 10 day low + ADR45}
Set{ATR10, low 10 day low + ADR55}
Set{Sell1, low 10 day low + ADR15}
Set{Sell2, low 10 day low + ADR25}
Set{Sell3, low 10 day low + ADR35}
Set{Sell4, low 10 day low + ADR45}
Set{Sell5, low 10 day low + ADR55}

and draw Slow Stochastic(5,1) Fast %K line at 20.00 and draw Slow Stochastic(5,1) Fast %K line at 80.00
and draw Slow Stochastic(5,1) Fast %K line at 50.00
set{RSI9, RSI(9) - 50}
set{CRSI_Bar, RSI9}
draw CRSI_Bar
set{RSI4, RSI(4) - 50}
set{RSI4_line, RSI4}
draw RSI4 on plot CRSI_Bar
set{RSI2, RSI(2) - 50}
set{RSI2_line, RSI2}
draw RSI2 on plot CRSI_Bar
and add column separator

add column low 10 day low {10d-L}
and add column separator
and add column Sell5
and add column separator
and add column Sell4
and add column separator
and add column Sell3
and add column separator
and add column Sell2
and add column separator
and add column Sell1
and add column separator
add column high 10 day high {10d-H}
add column separator
and add column Buy1
and add column separator
and add column Buy2
and add column separator
and add column Buy3
and add column separator
and add column Buy4
and add column separator
and add column Buy5
and add column separator

add column MA(150)
add column separator

and add column atr(20) {ATR}
and add column separator
and add column average day range(20) {ADR}
and add column separator
add column RSI(2) {RSI2-T}
add column separator
add column RSI(2) 1 day ago {RSI2-1}
add column separator
add column RSI(2) 2 days ago {RSI2-2}
add column separator
add column RSI(2) 3 days ago {RSI2-3}
add column separator
add column RSI(2) 4 days ago {RSI2-4}
add column separator
add column RSI(2) 5 days ago {RSI2-5}
add column separator
add column RSI(2) 6 days ago {RSI2-6}
add column separator
add column RSI(2) 7 days ago {RSI2-7}
add column separator
and draw average volume(90)
draw ema(4)
draw ma(6)

do not draw MA(150)
do not draw MA(50)
do not draw MA(200)
and do not draw MA(10)
and do not draw MA(20)
draw rsi(2) line at 25 and draw rsi(2) line at 70

draw weekly ma(21)

725 posts
msg #146127
Ignore davesaint86
1/17/2019 8:59:48 PM

Never traded the filter or strategy. Feel free to improve or make changes.

725 posts
msg #146128
Ignore davesaint86
1/17/2019 9:03:29 PM

HMHC looks like it may move up.

1,374 posts
msg #146137
Ignore Cheese
1/18/2019 12:42:44 PM

Thank you for sharing. This is the value I got from your nice work:


apply to symlist(spy,qqq,iwm)
chart-time 6 months

draw MA(150) /* davesaint86 */

Set{ADR15, ATR(20) * 1.5} /* davesaint86 */
Set{Buy1, high 10 day high - ADR15} /* davesaint86 */

draw BUY1 on plot price /* buy or hold above; sell or wait below */

725 posts
msg #146145
Ignore davesaint86
1/18/2019 8:25:54 PM


apply to symlist(spy,iwm,agg,qqq)
chart-time 5 months

draw weekly ma(21)

Set{ADR15, ATR(20) * 1.5} /* davesaint86 */
Set{ATR1, high 10 day high - ADR15} /* davesaint86 */
Set{Buy1, high 10 day high - ADR15} /* davesaint86 */

draw BUY1 on plot price /* buy or hold above; sell or wait below */
Set{Long,count(close > buy1 ,1)}
Set{Short,count(close < buy1 ,1)}
set{E20,close - buy1 }

draw long on plot
draw short on plot

set{CRS1, rsi(7),1)}
set{CRS2, rsi(14),1)}
set{CRS3, rsi(30),1)}
set{CCRS1, CRS1 + CRS2}
set{CCRS2, CCRS1 + CRS3}
set{CCRS3, CCRS2 /3}

set{CRS4, weekly rsi(7),1)}
set{CRS5, weekly rsi(14),1)}
set{CRS6, weekly rsi(30),1)}

set{WCRS1, CRS4 + CRS5}
set{WCRS2, WCRS1 + CRS6}
set{WCRS3, WCRS2 /3}
set{CWRSI1, CCRS3 + WCRS3}
set{C-RSI, CWRSI1 /2}
set{RSI30, RSI(30) - 50}
set{CRSI_Bar, RSI30}
draw CRSI_Bar
set{RSI14, RSI(14) - 50}
set{RSI14_line, RSI14}
draw RSI14 on plot CRSI_Bar
set{RSI7, RSI(7) - 50}
set{RSI7_line, RSI7}
draw RSI7 on plot CRSI_Bar
set{drsilong1, count(rsi(30) above 5, 1)}
set{drsilong2, count(rsi(7) above rsi(30), 1)}
set{drsilong3, count(rsi(14) above rsi(30), 1)}
set{drsilong4, drsilong1 + drsilong2}
set{drsilong5, drsilong4 + drsilong3}
set{drsilong, count(drsilong5 equals 3, 1)}
set{drsishort, count(drsilong5 less than 3, 1)}

set{wrsi1, weekly rsi(7)}
set{wrsi2, weekly rsi(30)}
set{wrsi3, count(wrsi1 > wrsi2,1)}
set{wrsilong, count(wrsi3 equals 1, 1)}
set{wrsishort, count(wrsi3 less than 1, 1)}

set{CRS21, ROC(21,1)}
set{CRS63, ROC(63,1)}
set{CRS126, ROC(126,1)}
set{CR1, CRS21 + CRS63}
set{C-RS, CR1 + CRS126}

set{wsto, weekly Slow Stochastics(14,3)}
set{dsto, Slow Stochastics(14,3)}
set{wdsto, wsto + dsto}
set{CSTO, wdsto / 2}
set{TWRSI7, weekly RSI(7)}
set{TWRSI14, weekly RSI(14)}
set{TWRSI30, weekly RSI(30)}
set{A-WRSI, TWRSI2 / 3}
set{TDRSI7, RSI(7)}
set{TDRSI14, RSI(14)}
set{TDRSI30, RSI(30)}
set{A-DRSI, TDRSI2 / 3}

add column separator
add column long {Long}
add column separator
add column buy1 {Trigger}
add column separator
add column e20 {$ Delta}
add column separator
set{e21, e20 / close}
set{e22, e21 *100}
add column e22 {% Delta}
add column separator
add column MA(200)
add column separator

ADD COLUMN ROC(126,1) {6 mth %}
add column separator

ADD COLUMN ROC(63,1) {3 mth %}
add column separator
ADD COLUMN ROC(21,1) {1 mth %}
add column separator

add column csto
add column c-rsi

add column RSI(2)
add column separator
add column atr(21) {Atr}
add column separator
add column average day range (21){ADR}

1,374 posts
msg #146147
Ignore Cheese
1/18/2019 10:47:52 PM

Thank you, dave.

6,049 posts
msg #146150
Ignore shillllihs
1/19/2019 12:34:59 AM

This is so Fukin good, you can do this with any etf and short it for extra decay benefit fairly safely since it gets you out quick if it goes against you. I would play all the 3x ETFs for diversity and safety.

StockFetcher Forums · Filter Exchange · Connors TPS<< 1 2 3 4 >>Post Follow-up

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