johnpaulca 12,036 posts msg #127201 - Ignore johnpaulca |
2/5/2016 3:38:27 PM
À la prochaine
johnpaulca 12,036 posts msg #127202 - Ignore johnpaulca |
2/5/2016 3:44:49 PM
SPY...probably close at 187.05...with indicators oversold...bounce next week, but how many are buying before the close...I am (:
johnpaulca 12,036 posts msg #127203 - Ignore johnpaulca |
2/5/2016 3:49:27 PM
9,459 posts
msg #127196
- Edit message 2/5/2016 3:01:25 PM
DWTI...traders weren't too excited to buy the dip...will be looking for a quick short scalp
covered at 285.57(BB125)
graftonian 1,089 posts msg #127204 - Ignore graftonian |
2/5/2016 4:02:39 PM
Well that was a good finish for an otherwise dull day.
JP, thanx for all the tips.
Karen, as for the stroke, don't. I had one, they're not all that much fun.
Have a good week-end all.
four 5,087 posts msg #127205 - Ignore four |
2/5/2016 7:16:07 PM

johnpaulca 12,036 posts msg #127210 - Ignore johnpaulca |
2/6/2016 9:03:55 AM
..“The market always tells you what to do. It tells you: Get in. Get out. Move your stop. Close out. Stay neutral. Wait for a better chance. All these things the market is continually impressing upon you, and you must get into the frame of mind where you are in reality taking your orders from the action of the market itself — from the tape.”…
Richard D. Wyckoff
four 5,087 posts msg #127211 - Ignore four modified |
2/6/2016 12:33:41 PM
Richard Wyckoff Method Tape Reading - pdf file
Eman93 4,750 posts msg #127214 - Ignore Eman93 |
2/7/2016 1:48:20 AM
Great quote JP and thats the truth. I am pretty close but i still take the dumb trade from time to time.
Some of my rules:
It's easier to trade with the trend.
Markets take the steps up and the elevator down.
Plan your trade and trade ur plan.
There is no substitute for experience and hard work, thats just how it is.
johnpaulca 12,036 posts msg #127221 - Ignore johnpaulca |
2/8/2016 9:28:47 AM
DWTI....$307....good area to go short...expect crude to bounce
johnpaulca 12,036 posts msg #127222 - Ignore johnpaulca |
2/8/2016 10:42:29 AM
SPY...still trying to break 184.9...great volatility for scalping and tons of opportunity.