johnpaulca 12,036 posts msg #118287 - Ignore johnpaulca |
2/20/2014 4:12:31 PM
PEP...went up to $78.87....not as bad as you, ALF.
SDS...bought some at the close $29.59...will build a position.
four 5,087 posts msg #118288 - Ignore four modified |
2/20/2014 4:20:44 PM
4,326 posts
msg #118262
- Ignore Eman93 2/19/2014 9:18:29 PM
four why "new order to buy placed at 24.80" on DUST ?
My previous stoplimit BUY did not trigger. I have been resetting on the way down and now am at a wait and see at 24.80 for a long order.
Looking at this horizontal line of what i would call resistance

alf44 2,025 posts msg #118289 - Ignore alf44 |
2/20/2014 4:49:20 PM
johnpaulca 12,036 posts msg #118301 - Ignore johnpaulca |
2/21/2014 9:20:27 AM
We have a buy signal, also looks like an head and shoulders formation.....thoughts???

johnpaulca 12,036 posts msg #118302 - Ignore johnpaulca |
2/21/2014 9:47:52 AM
NEM($23.12)....stops being gunned down....will add to position
Eman93 4,750 posts msg #118309 - Ignore Eman93 |
2/21/2014 3:25:09 PM
BUY.. BUY... BUY... all dips are being bought.
johnpaulca 12,036 posts msg #118356 - Ignore johnpaulca |
2/24/2014 10:52:42 AM
SDS...long $29.13
DXD...long $28.08
looks like a blowout move today, but could be wrong.
Kevin_in_GA 4,599 posts msg #118358 - Ignore Kevin_in_GA modified |
2/24/2014 1:26:07 PM
My occasional post here -
Long 100 shares of UVXY at 62.16 - not a lot at risk on this one. I'm thinking the market will step back from today's action and retrace. I set an initial stop loss at 59.16 ($300 at risk) and will move it up as conditions permit.
Update: 9:30 AM - moved my stop loss up to 61.16 (now only $100 at risk).
Update: 10:00 AM - now at 65.06. Stop loss moved up to 63.16 (locked in $100 gain).
10:30 AM - this is a volatile bugger. Out at 63.20, and it then moved almost immediately up another dollar!
This was, IMHO, a risk-free play based on yesterday's action. Could have ignored stops, but in general I prefer to keep them at a safe distance and move them up as the trade progresses. This ETN jumped around more than I had thought.
johnpaulca 12,036 posts msg #118366 - Ignore johnpaulca |
2/24/2014 4:04:49 PM
SDS...out at $29.32
DXD....hold position
alf44 2,025 posts msg #118370 - Ignore alf44 |
2/24/2014 10:35:29 PM
... I hafta say ... I am pulling BIG TIME for your DXD LONG !
This Market is really starting to git on my nerves !!!