SAFeTRADE 649 posts msg #147581 - Ignore SAFeTRADE |
4/27/2019 5:14:48 PM
SFMc01 358 posts msg #147587 - Ignore SFMc01 |
4/28/2019 9:46:57 AM
Respectfully, rather than leaving it to my feeble interpretation, would it be possible to state your objective of the filter and it's interpretation.
Thank you,
SAFeTRADE 649 posts msg #147588 - Ignore SAFeTRADE |
4/28/2019 10:07:13 AM
Steve, regarding the SPY when riskon = 1 and macd = 1 it is safe to be long. Regarding the SPY
when riskon = 0 and macd = 0 be out of the market or short.
SFMc01 358 posts msg #147593 - Ignore SFMc01 |
4/28/2019 6:59:47 PM
Thank you. That is helpful
shillllihs 6,059 posts msg #147603 - Ignore shillllihs |
4/29/2019 5:23:25 PM
I guess people are just being polite but this filter gets it wrong as much or more than it gets it right.
Just my humble observation.
KSK8 561 posts msg #147607 - Ignore KSK8 |
4/30/2019 2:07:02 AM
This was the last ‘filter’ you posted:
You have little authority to criticize another man’s filter when the best you can come up with is a second rate filter like this one.
Keep trying though, maybe one day you’ll reach kevin’s level.
shillllihs 6,059 posts msg #147616 - Ignore shillllihs |
4/30/2019 12:23:04 PM
That simple filter I created is an amazing 1-12 week exploder ALFRIGGS.
If I like a filter I let people know just the same as when I don't like a filter.
Please consider not leading newbies down treacherous paths with that for entertainment only short filter that you claim you trade, that's double speak and it's very irresponsible. Thank you.
sandjco 648 posts msg #149314 - Ignore sandjco |
10/7/2019 9:46:15 PM
Thank you for sharing. I added a line as I couldn't see the triggers and I am not sure what I was doing as I couldn't seem to see it trigger. But after adding the visual trigger, it made sense to me. I just don't know how to make it look "clean" (if that makes sense?).
the more i tried to play with it the more i messed it up lol....