simplegolpadia 11 posts msg #139628 - Ignore simplegolpadia |
11/29/2017 10:35:50 PM
That is correct, Kevin. I'm also getting the same result.
I did not do ASCII import, but manually appended today's price (Setups->Price and Symbol Setups.. and then updating for XIV). Had to also rebuild sector indexes (File->Rebuild Sector Indexes ) after manual insertion.
Question - Is it sufficient to update only XIV price data, or is there a need to update other indexes as well ? Does any of the 30 strategies rely on index data (e.g. ^DJI or ^SPX) ?
Eltonm45 19 posts msg #139629 - Ignore Eltonm45 |
11/29/2017 10:37:41 PM
i'm getting the same buy and hold signals tonight.
tennisplayer2 210 posts msg #139632 - Ignore tennisplayer2 modified |
11/30/2017 12:37:00 AM
Kevin and others, how do you use the ASCII method of downloading? I have download the data for XIV from yahoo, and got a .csv file (opens with Excel) on my desktop. What do I have to fill out on the SS import form? I am an older guy without much tech knowledge. Thanks.
SAFeTRADE 649 posts msg #139633 - Ignore SAFeTRADE |
11/30/2017 2:29:10 AM
Kevin ran update from Yahoo this morning and I have all signals you posted earlier.
Kevin_in_GA 4,599 posts msg #139634 - Ignore Kevin_in_GA |
11/30/2017 8:00:20 AM
Yahoo now seems to be working again without any program crashes. That is very good news. I am now getting a crash every single time I try to import using Google Finance.
davesaint86 725 posts msg #139635 - Ignore davesaint86 |
11/30/2017 8:06:49 AM
I used Yahoo last night. However, Yahoo is slower. I'm showing the same signals. Thanks!
davesaint86 725 posts msg #139636 - Ignore davesaint86 |
11/30/2017 8:14:10 AM
Question - Pre-market price for XIV these morning shows a gap up at 119.85 up 1.46 % from yesterday's close. What is the best way to play this to get a better price?
ferndave 65 posts msg #139637 - Ignore ferndave modified |
11/30/2017 8:22:07 AM
I'm not using Google or Yahoo for data and have slightly different signals. I show filters #20, #38, and #40 to buy at open on 11/30. #6 and #16 are still holds.
I checked my price data and they are the same as Yahoo's. Odd.
lavapit315 47 posts msg #139638 - Ignore lavapit315 |
11/30/2017 8:42:35 AM
I glad to see others are getting the crash when using google. It looks like google changed there whole finance page. I downloaded XIV historical data and imported via ASCII. Ran the signal and I get 3 new buys. Is that what others are seeing? Thank you
nibor100 1,057 posts msg #139639 - Ignore nibor100 |
11/30/2017 8:43:23 AM
If you look at the Stratasearch help file, contents, Importing Prices and Sectors, section Importing Prices and scroll down to the ASCII Format section and read it you should easily update the table located in the File menu Import Prices section.
It would take me longer to type out an explanation of every step than it will take you to read that section and execute it successfully.
However, if you read it and try it, and it doesn't load for some reason I'll help further.
Ed S.