StockFetcher Forums · Announcements · StockFetcher Backtesting Discontinued on August 1, 2015<< 1 2 3 4 5 >>Post Follow-up
980 posts
msg #124036
6/16/2015 12:49:22 PM

On August 1, 2015 StockFetcher will discontinue the Backtesting feature. At that point, the Backtesting functionality, as well as any saved tests, will no longer be available on StockFetcher. If you require raw results from any of your tests prior to that date, please be sure to use the CSV option from the Trades or Equity Summary tabs to download the data.

Additionally, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at

Thank you,
StockFetcher Support

192 posts
msg #124040
Ignore sohailmithani
6/16/2015 3:52:29 PM

So again, what are we paying you guys for now?

331 posts
msg #124044
Ignore novacane32000
6/16/2015 5:14:11 PM


2 posts
msg #124045
Ignore broski
6/16/2015 5:17:04 PM

will there be an option to pay a fee and use this as an add-on service?

980 posts
msg #124046
6/16/2015 5:35:23 PM

There are many reasons we are discontinuing this service; partly due to limitations in the data we support, but also business related due to the high cost of supporting the backtesting service compared to the very low level of customer interest.

The data limitations are related, but not limited, to survivorship-bias in the data provided, as well as executing the simulation based on end-of-day data. While these issues may be lessened with additional data; we do not believe that is where the core of our efforts should be spent. Additionally, we do not have plans on creating an add-on service to continue this feature.

StockFetcher Support

2 posts
msg #124049
Ignore Viksi
6/16/2015 6:09:57 PM

At least can you run this service till the end of December please?. This happens to be my Las yr of testing and by cutting the service in the middle will leave my hundreds of hours of work in vein. Please let it run till the end of December.

15 posts
msg #124060
Ignore riverrun83716
6/17/2015 10:03:03 AM

wow----this makes no sense to me. I use the backtest extensively and see no value to Stock Fetcher without it.

2 posts
msg #124066
Ignore namirault
6/17/2015 1:01:58 PM

I was not expecting this, pretty frustrated after being a long term subscriber i've spent hundreds of hours developing filters based on backtesting. Not to mention running backtests daily to tweak the filters to the current market.

Now I'll need to convert the filters to another site/platform, and once I do this, I don't really see any value in paying for what you offer.

4 posts
msg #124069
Ignore 111580
6/17/2015 2:30:54 PM

Backtesting is the main reason I use stockfetcher. Can anyone suggest other sources that do the same thing?. I won' t be using stockfetcher after Aug1.

55 posts
msg #124070
Ignore wcurtis
6/17/2015 2:55:31 PM

StockFetcher is a business, and as a business you need to manage your costs. Cut's in anything ( workers or services ) are always the last choice. For myself I need you to stay in business. I'm going to miss Backtesting. With that said, I'm moving on ! Please do whatever it takes to stay in business.

StockFetcher Forums · Announcements · StockFetcher Backtesting Discontinued on August 1, 2015<< 1 2 3 4 5 >>Post Follow-up

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