Village Elder 231 posts msg #150446 - Ignore Village Elder |
1/22/2020 8:03:15 AM
The system is what it is - I have no plans to change it at this time, and will continue to post results as I have been doing so far. By all means set up alternatives to what I am doing, and feel free to post the complete results here, or create a new read-only thread to share the system and results.
No cherry picking of examples, though - document each trade as it is signaled and follow through with specific exit rules. See how it performs, and if it is better than the current system I will adapt and adopt.
Village Elder 231 posts msg #150450 - Ignore Village Elder |
1/22/2020 9:18:22 AM
Something that KSK8 had mentioned regarding short squeezes got me thinking - a possible indicator of this (and potentially a good long trade signal) is when the volume for the day exceeds the number of shares outstanding. For today's trades (1/22) that would look like this:
The ratio for NNVC and NVAX are unusually high. I am not sure if this is really a thing or not, but I'll add it to the review and if there is a trend I'll let folks know.
KSK8 561 posts msg #150451 - Ignore KSK8 |
1/22/2020 9:25:44 AM
It's called float rotation/float turnover. I'm no expert on it but I do know that the more the float turns/rotates, the more volatile the stock can be especially if its a low float.
xarlor 589 posts msg #150466 - Ignore xarlor |
1/22/2020 6:06:14 PM
A silly discovery; if a stock trades 100x its shares outstanding in a single day, it seems doomed to go down.
KSK8 561 posts msg #150483 - Ignore KSK8 modified |
1/23/2020 6:02:54 PM
Kind of the same scenario for this condition. I call it the 'line of death' because price usually won't sustain when these 2 lines intersect.
sandjco 648 posts msg #150485 - Ignore sandjco |
1/23/2020 9:39:17 PM
Xarlor and KSK8, thank you so much for sharing. It is like another world (shorting) opened up and de-mystified the myths I have been exposed to for years!
Getting filled (guess it is broker related - I use TD Ameritrade) has been a challenge for me. I am testing the field playing it using put options. Right now I'm in on NVAX.
All the best!
shillllihs 6,049 posts msg #150490 - Ignore shillllihs |
1/24/2020 12:27:35 AM
Results would have been different if you waited for a piercing red candle through bb.
Lapre506 48 posts msg #150493 - Ignore Lapre506 |
1/24/2020 7:03:36 AM
I'm also playing some of these with Put options but with NVAX I played it with a put spread since the volatility was so high. These shorting systems are amazing on paper but in real trading finding shares to short is almost impossible on all of them.
KSK8 561 posts msg #150496 - Ignore KSK8 |
1/24/2020 11:12:53 AM
Not true, you have to find a broker that allows you to route your own shares. TD Ameritrade is horrible when it comes to this. But Centerpoint and Tradezero allow it.
Lapre506 48 posts msg #150497 - Ignore Lapre506 |
1/24/2020 11:25:36 AM
I am trading on TD, Fidelity, IB, and Webull for a variety of different strategies. It's not just TD the other 3 rarely have shares either. And the HTB fees are like 200% on some of the ones they do have. I'll give Centerpoint and Tradezero a lookover.