marine2 963 posts msg #159227 - Ignore marine2 |
6/18/2022 12:15:27 PM
Wondering if anyone else besides me is having trouble running an existing filter or creating one? In doing so it just shows the “running” verbiage and nothing happens. Just wondering if StockFetcher is doing work behind the scenes (a surprise there) and forgot to mention that to us?
styliten 306 posts msg #159228 - Ignore styliten |
6/18/2022 12:26:11 PM
Same exact problem:
Send an email to so they could reset their server.
marine2 963 posts msg #159229 - Ignore marine2 |
6/18/2022 12:37:57 PM
Thank you for your prompt response. It would seem, if StockFetcher was doing maintenance work behind the scene it would have been nice to see them put that fact into their Announcement section here in the Forum. Since they didn’t there might be a problem occurring without their knowledge. I will try to contact them, StockFetcher personnel and have them look into it. If you can do the same that would be even better. Power in numbers helps fix things I’m thinking.