StockFetcher Forums · General Discussion · Interesting Book to read Daryl Guppy Trend trading<< 1 ... 7 8 9 10 11 >>Post Follow-up
1,251 posts
msg #135420
Ignore pthomas215
4/13/2017 10:46:42 AM

GRAFZIOP in my humble opinion will either bounce up off the EMA 13 at around 7.25 or will cross below and will make a good short.

1,251 posts
msg #135421
Ignore pthomas215
4/13/2017 10:47:33 AM

Been flirting with AKS. not in it but if it crosses above 6.70 resistance I am in.

3,159 posts
msg #135441
Ignore Mactheriverrat
4/14/2017 11:13:19 PM

LCI Updated - Making a Bull flag setup!

3,159 posts
msg #135442
Ignore Mactheriverrat
4/15/2017 12:00:00 AM

Been messing around with this. One can narrow this group down by making the Average Day Range(30) is above 2.00 higher or lower. Lower will pick up stocks like BAC, JPM,AKS,MS when they get in a uptrend mode. One can also raise the volume count too. I first look at the EMA(60) ( CxC) from 1 up. Then draw my trend lines. The ema(15) is already above ema(30) when the EMA(60) starts to move. Look for the Investors group that is squeezing. Draw some downtrend lines. Wait until price closed above the trend line. That the decision point. The eMa(13)/ eMa(30) ratio above 1.00 is Bullish.

One can also use Candles ,OHLC or line when looking at charts.

Look at JWN on my watch list - Investor group is really squeezing after 3rd try but price hasn't crossed above down trend line yet but its very near. Investors group has flatten and squeezing.

The filter I use is a

Show stocks where ema(15) is above ema(30)

Price ia below 50
and volume is above 150000

chart-time is 6 months
market is not otcbb
market is not etf

add column Average Day Range(30)

and Average Day Range(30) is above 2.00
do not draw Average Day Range(30)

AxA is number of consecutive days price above (+)/below(-) previous Ema(13) and set{AAb,days( price is above EMA(13) 1 day ago,250)}
set{AAa,days( price is below ema(13) 1 day ago,250)} set{AxA, AAa - AAb} and add column AxA {A_x_A}
do not draw A_x_A

FxF is number of consecutive days price above (+)/below(-) previous eMA(7) and set{FFb,days( price is above eMA(7) 1 day ago,100)}
set{FFa,days( price is below eMA(7) 1 day ago,100)} set{FxF, FFa - FFb} and add column FxF {F_x_F}

do not Draw fxf

CxC is number of consecutive days ema(60) above (+)/below(-) previous ema(60) and set{CCb,days(ema(60) is above ema(60) 1 day ago,250)}
set{CCa,days(ema(60) is below ema(60) 1 day ago,250)} set{CxC, CCa - CCb} and add column CxC {C_x_C}

do not draw CxC

Set{cntprice13,count( price > ema(13) 1day ago,1)}
draw cntprice13

Set{cntprice13b,count( price < ema(13) 1day ago,1)}

draw cntprice13b

Set{cntpriceema7,count( price > ema(7) 1day ago,1)}
draw cntpriceema7

Set{cntpriceema7b,count( price < ema(7) 1day ago,1)}

draw cntpriceema7b

draw Average Volume(25)

draw ema(7)
draw ema(8)
draw ema(9)
draw ema(10)
draw ema(11)
draw ema(12)
draw ema(13)
draw ema(14)
draw ema(15)

draw ema(35)
draw ema(40)
draw ema(45)
draw ema(50)
draw ema(55)
draw ema(60)

Set{cntema60,count( ema(60) > eMA(60) 1day ago,1)}
draw cntema60

Set{cntema60b,count( ema(60) < EMA(60) 1day ago,1)}

draw cntema60b

set{ratio1, eMa(13)/ eMa(30) }

draw ratio1 line at 1.00

/* SxS is number of consecutive days ratio1 above (+)/below(-) previous 1.00 */
set{SSb,days( ratio1 is above 1.00 1 day ago,250)}
set{SSa,days( ratio1 is below 1.00 1 day ago,250)}
set{SxS, SSa - SSb} and add column SxS {S_x_S}

do not Draw SxS

Set{cntratioover1,count( ratio1 > 1.00 1day ago,1)}
draw cntratioover1

Set{cntratioover1b,count( ratio1 < 1.00 1day ago,1)}

draw cntratioover1b

/* TxT is number of consecutive days ratio1 above (+)/below(-) previous 1.00 */
set{TTb,days( ratio1 is above ratio1 1 day ago,250)}
set{TTa,days( ratio1 is below ratio1 1 day ago,250)}
set{TxT, TTa - TTb} and add column TxT {T_x_T}

do not Draw TxT

Set{cntratio1,count( ratio1 > ratio1 1day ago,1)}
draw cntratio1

Set{cntratio1b,count( ratio1 < ratio1 1day ago,1)}

draw cntratio1b


But like always the bed laid plans can go to hell in a hand basket if the markets are in a selling mood also . Like this North Korea thing again.

This is the LCI chart that show up 7 days ago

1,089 posts
msg #135450
Ignore graftonian
4/15/2017 10:10:47 PM

Mac, thanks for the latest filter. It got me thinking about using ratios and their ups and downs. I will post it on the public filter section. I could use some help in coding on one particular facet.

3,159 posts
msg #135452
Ignore Mactheriverrat
4/15/2017 11:50:37 PM

What that code U need?

1,089 posts
msg #135455
Ignore graftonian
4/16/2017 10:25:00 AM

Mac, To avoid mucking up your thread here, I started a new thread in the Public filter section.

1,055 posts
msg #135456
Ignore nibor100
4/16/2017 10:35:29 AM


In your latest filter the comment line for the SxS ratio1 variable grouping refers to EMA(50) and not ratio1.

I'm not sure whether you meant to have some code related to EMA(50) at that point in the filter, or the comment line just needs to be updated.

Ed S.

3,159 posts
msg #135458
Ignore Mactheriverrat
4/16/2017 12:09:50 PM

Good catch on the mistake of my code.
I was able to change that code in the above filter.
Thanks again!
Roger Graf on different thread.
Seems that's any thread on any forums!

1,251 posts
msg #135466
Ignore pthomas215
4/17/2017 11:35:21 AM

GRAF, what do you think of PTLA as a GUPPY play? Im on the fence right now.

StockFetcher Forums · General Discussion · Interesting Book to read Daryl Guppy Trend trading<< 1 ... 7 8 9 10 11 >>Post Follow-up

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