StockFetcher Forums · General Discussion · Interesting Book to read Daryl Guppy Trend trading<< 1 2 3 4 5 ... 11 >>Post Follow-up
1,251 posts
msg #134897
Ignore pthomas215
3/13/2017 12:33:22 PM

John, correct. I am thinking of it as short term averages crossing over longer term is a buy signal. that may be too linear thinking, as you suggest the ema(60) moving indicates a bullish trend.

1,089 posts
msg #134898
Ignore graftonian
3/13/2017 1:18:45 PM

Mac, what filter are you using to to obtain a "long list" of stocks? Do you use a count back line to pick an entry after the selection process is complete?
Thanx, Duane

3,159 posts
msg #134899
Ignore Mactheriverrat
3/13/2017 1:20:24 PM

Yes short term averages crossing over longer term is a buy but trend should be confirmed. Price should be crossing above a downtrend line. See pages 110 to 133 of Guppys book

3,159 posts
msg #134901
Ignore Mactheriverrat
3/13/2017 3:06:55 PM

I'm using a Price above ema(30) filter.
ema(13) is above ema(30)
adr(30) above 2.50
volume above 200000
Market in not otcbb

still playing around with filter

One could adapt this to just about any filter- I'm playing around with Run Forest, Run filter. The key is finding the best up trending stocks using part one of Guppys finding good trending stocks
I played AMD today and still in

XIV is a prime example chart IMHO

1,089 posts
msg #134906
Ignore graftonian
3/13/2017 7:19:36 PM

Mac, I considered AMD this morning but thought it opened a little high. I hate gaps. PG was another stock on the radar, but didn't quite make it to the CBL entry (91.50). Looks like our old friends (enemies?) NUGT and JNUG are picking up steam. I guess we wait and see if the traders can make it through the investors; only time will tell.
I have also added trader width, investor width, and trader/investor aeparation to my GMMA filter. Will share when I have a "real" computer back. My monitor shot craps, and I'm down to working on a tablet. Cannot figure out how to cut and paste.

3,159 posts
msg #134907
Ignore Mactheriverrat
3/13/2017 7:35:54 PM

Roger Graf

1,089 posts
msg #134908
Ignore graftonian
3/13/2017 8:46:04 PM

Well, here's the new and improved.. Down at the bottom, in the area labled /*FILTER*/ one can fiddle with short term score, long term score, band widths, et al , and get it to pull up results all across the spectrum. Have fun.

/*Guppy MMA */
market is not OTCBB
Average Volume(30) > 1000000
close between .50 and 10

/*short term emas*/
draw EMA(3)
draw EMA(5)
draw EMA(7)
draw EMA(9)
draw EMA(11)
draw EMA(13)
/*add a point for every pair "stacked right" */
set{SS35, count(EMA(3) > EMA(5),1)}
set{SS57, count(EMA(5) > EMA(7), 1)}
set{SS79, count(EMA(7) > EMA(9), 1)}
set{SS911, count(EMA(9) > EMA(11), 1)}
set{SS1113, count(EMA(11) > EMA(13), 1)}

set{ss1, SS35 + SS57}'
set{ss2, ss1 + SS79}
set{ss3, ss2 + SS911}
set{short_term_score, ss3 + SS1113}

/*long term emas*/
draw EMA(70)
draw EMA(60)
draw EMA(50)
draw EMA(40)
draw EMA(35)
draw EMA(30)

set{LS6070, count(EMA(60) > EMA(70), 1)}
set{LS5060, count(EMA(50) > EMA(60), 1)}
set{LS4050, count(EMA(40) > EMA(50), 1)}
set{LS3540, count(EMA(35) > EMA(40), 1)}
set{LS3035, count(EMA(30) > EMA(35), 1)}
set{LS1, LS6070 + LS5060}
set{LS2, LS1 + LS4050}
set{LS3, LS2 + LS3540}
set{long_term_score, LS3 + LS3035}

draw long_term_score
draw short_term_score
set{comp_score, long_term_score + short_term_score}

add column separator
add column short_term_score
add column long_term_score
add column comp_score
add column separator

/*trader/investor separation */
set{tisep, ema(13) - ema(30)}
set{tisep2, tisep / ema(30)}
set{tiseppct, tisep2 * 100}
add column tiseppct{TR_INV_SEP}

/* trader group width */
set{tgw, ema(3) - ema(13)}
set{tgw2, tgw / ema(13)}
set{trad_grp_width, tgw2 * 100}
add column trad_grp_width

/* investor group width */
set{igw, ema(30) - ema(70)}
set{igw2, igw / ema(70)}
set{inv_grp_width, igw2 * 100}
add column inv_grp_width
draw inv_grp_width
draw trad_grp_width on plot inv_grp_width
draw inv_grp_width line at 0

/* investor annualized slope percent */
set{iasp, slope of ema(50)}
set{iasp2, iasp / ema(50)}
set{iasp3, iasp2 * 25000}
add column iasp3

/* FILTER */
trad_grp_width between -1 and 1
inv_grp_width between -1 and 1

do not draw comp_score

35 posts
msg #134909
Ignore T_Charp13
3/13/2017 10:03:27 PM

Any particular reason why you chose to filter stocks between .5 and 10?

1,089 posts
msg #134911
Ignore graftonian
3/14/2017 12:20:08 AM

Nope, oops

3,159 posts
msg #134912
Ignore Mactheriverrat
3/14/2017 1:20:17 AM

Now that's Interesting Graf!

StockFetcher Forums · General Discussion · Interesting Book to read Daryl Guppy Trend trading<< 1 2 3 4 5 ... 11 >>Post Follow-up

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