StockFetcher Forums · Filter Exchange · MY XIV TRADING SYSTEM USING STRATASEARCH FILTERS<< 1 ... 16 17 18 19 20 ... 40 >>Post Follow-up
4,599 posts
msg #139916
Ignore Kevin_in_GA
12/8/2017 7:10:20 AM

I have three SELL signals for today - #33, #34, and #35. Based on the current pre market action these should all close profitably. I will sell 3,000 shares at the market open today (purchased on 11/30 at $120.08).

725 posts
msg #139917
Ignore davesaint86
12/8/2017 8:17:13 AM

SS Question - Is there a way to set a hold duration when running a One Click Strategy. My 401k has a minimum hold time of 15 days without a penalty. I can sell on the 16th day.


4,599 posts
msg #139924
Ignore Kevin_in_GA
12/8/2017 10:07:32 AM

Yes - just put the entire exit code within parentheses and then add "and $daysheld > 15".

Out of 3,000 shares of XIV at $121.98 for a gain of $1.90 x 3,000 = $5,700.

4,599 posts
msg #139925
Ignore Kevin_in_GA
12/8/2017 10:09:26 AM

Rereading what you asked, you need to set the $daysheld to be always active in the auto search you use for the OneClick. It is in the manual.

725 posts
msg #139932
Ignore davesaint86
12/8/2017 11:58:48 AM

Nice job to Kevin and others. It was hairy there for a while.

725 posts
msg #139933
Ignore davesaint86
12/8/2017 11:59:02 AM

Thanks Kevin.

1,058 posts
msg #139935
Ignore nibor100
12/8/2017 12:49:56 PM


Having dabbled with programming and scripting since my first computer, an Apple II with a cassette recorder and requiring a tv for the monitor; I expect sw programs execute their instructions in the same way every time the input data is the same, so I have some items for you and your friend to consider regarding SS having different signals for the same XIV data:

a. In the Signal Setup dialog box for XIV Nightly Signals, after selecting the Options tab, make sure both of you have an unchecked box for "Display Only Portfolio-Based Signals and Positions". and secondly make sure all other settings are identical.
b. When both of you Run the Signals wait about a minute and select the Refresh button on the far right of the signals display screen so the latest results will sync with the date in the Date Dropdown box near the middle of the screen. Also, make sure the Portfolio Only box is unchecked.
c. If both of your signals don't agree after doing those steps. One of you send your latest XIV file to the other one, in order to paste a copy of all of the data next to their existing XIV data, and picking a cell to the right of the data just pasted in, write a formula subtracting the first Open price on the left side of the sheet from the just pasted in Open price. (if they are identical prices the result will be zero). Copy and Paste that formula across to the right covering 4 more columns of cells. Then select all 5 of those cells with formulas in them and copy and paste them downward to the last row of XIV data. Then put in a sum at the bottom of each column and they should all equal 0.

d. If they don't equal 0, then you both don't have identical data and let me know and we'll try to sync up both of your data updating approaches so the both of you have the same data from now on.

Note: Yahoo can update price and volume data at anytime and I'm unaware of Yahoo labeling or letting visitors to their website know that price data was just updated for a given symbol. In particular, Yahoo seems to always be changing the Volume data, usually the last 3 to 4 days are changed frequently.

These volume changes could possibly have an impact on the daily signals and any XIV backtests because out of the 30 filters, by my count at least 12 use volume in some manner.

Ed S.

210 posts
msg #139944
Ignore tennisplayer2
12/8/2017 6:56:39 PM

Ed S., thank you very much for the ideas. I will get together with my friend this weekend and see what is going on. Thanks again and have a great weekend.

1,058 posts
msg #139945
Ignore nibor100
12/8/2017 8:29:10 PM


Since 2 of the 3 filters signalling Sell last night did not have Buy signals until after 11/30 and you've indicated that pairing filter Sell signals with the same filter's Buy signal is an important part of following a MultiSystem; I'm unclear what filter# Buys from 11/30, that you sold this morning.

You had reported on 11/30 that you bought 4,000 shares at the Open based on the 11/29 night's 5 Buy signals; which happened to be for filters. #3, 20, 31, 33, and 38.

Assuming you sold #33 this morning out of that group of 5 Buy signals, were the other 2 that you sold today #38 and #31 even though they had not yet signaled Sell last night?

Ed S.

4,599 posts
msg #139947
Ignore Kevin_in_GA
12/8/2017 9:48:33 PM

@nibor - I owned 10,000 shares at an average cost of $119.83, so in theory it does not matter which shares I sell for a given SELL signal since in the end once all signals are closed the exact profit is the same. I sold those shares because they were in a taxable account of mine (versus other tax-advantaged or tax-deferred accounts I also use). I think XIV will go higher so I am taking the smallest profit in those accounts and saving the larger profits for those accounts that minimize my tax liability.

StockFetcher Forums · Filter Exchange · MY XIV TRADING SYSTEM USING STRATASEARCH FILTERS<< 1 ... 16 17 18 19 20 ... 40 >>Post Follow-up

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