stockfetcher 980 posts msg #47052 |
9/19/2006 8:13:15 AM
Introducing Intraday Updates on StockFetcher
 Sept. 19, 2006 -- Results from screens on StockFetcher are now based on delayed intraday updates made during U.S. market hours. Unless otherwise indicated, results will be delayed at least 15 minutes for NASDAQ stocks and 20 minutes for NYSE, AMEX and other markets.
Now you can take advantage of powerful StockFetcher screens while the market is open and not wait for the market close and end-of-day updates. All of your filter results, while the market is open, will be based on the current market conditions.
No additional membership requirements or fees required
 All standard and advanced StockFetcher subscribers automatically see the latest results. No change to your membership is required. As you run screens during market hours, your results reflect the latest updates from StockFetcher*. Continue to refresh your favorite screen to find new candidates.
Screens automatically use intraday delayed results
 By default screens during trading hours will utilize this data. With a couple exceptions (see below) all of StockFetcher's features are seamlessly integrated with the new data supply. And as always, you can still retrieve results from the previous market day by using the date offset is 1 phrase.
Delayed, not real-time
 StockFetcher is a technical screening tool designed specifically for screening and analysis based on daily data. By introducing delayed intraday updates, StockFetcher continues to provide powerful screening results; however, we provide an extra edge in detecting matches during market hours. These intraday updates do not change the fact that the measures and results on StockFetcher are derived from daily, EOD (end of day) results.
Intraday Measures and Charts Not Availble
 At the current time, your screens still operate only on daily and weekly time-frames. We currently do not have plans to provide screens based on intraday intervals (minutes, hours.)
Features Not Using Intraday Updates
 Initially, some features will not take full advantage of the intraday updates. These include: generating filter counts for saved filters, watch list updates and backtesting. You can still update your filter counts based on the most recent end-of-day (EOD) values.
*Unless otherwise indicated, results will be delayed at least 15 minutes for NASDAQ stocks and 20 minutes for NYSE, AMEX and other markets.
petrolpeter 439 posts msg #47057 - Ignore petrolpeter |
9/19/2006 1:15:17 PM
Wow,nicely done Guys!
nikoschopen 2,824 posts msg #47059 - Ignore nikoschopen |
9/19/2006 3:00:20 PM
Damn, although I asked for this feature going back some time, I never thought it would actually get implemented. I think it makes more sense, however, to provide the data in real-time and charge ure subscribers higher fee. I'm sure most of us would not mind paying a little more.
nikoschopen 2,824 posts msg #47060 - Ignore nikoschopen |
9/19/2006 3:08:52 PM
"Intraday Measures and Charts Not Availble
At the current time, your screens still operate only on daily and weekly time-frames. We currently do not have plans to provide screens based on intraday intervals (minutes, hours.)"
I should think most of us use one form of real-time charting package or another, so this should not be an issue. However, as I mentioned above, it would be a great addition if you could provide:
(1) real-time screening capability;
(2) real-time alerts based on predefined parameters (so that there wouldn't be a need to run the screener every five minutes).
RocketFetcher 59 posts msg #47070 - Ignore RocketFetcher |
9/19/2006 6:43:15 PM
This is great SF, thanks and way to go!
dangreene 229 posts msg #47058 - Ignore dangreene modified |
9/19/2006 8:56:56 PM
NICE addition.
Thanks for all your efforts in continuing to improve a GREAT tool.
That's why we all keep hanging around here.
MAYBE one of these days 'real time hourly screens'? (OR even 2 hour or half day).
stockbullman 1 posts msg #47189 - Ignore stockbullman modified |
9/27/2006 4:13:09 AM
Good job guys!!.... suggestion, it would be great if OTCBB is separated from NYSE, Nasdaq, & AMEX Exchange.
petrolpeter 439 posts msg #47194 - Ignore petrolpeter |
9/27/2006 1:10:11 PM
Hi Bullman,Go to settings,settings-my filters and put in 'not OTCBB' and that should weed those out.
TheRumpledOne 6,498 posts msg #47242 - Ignore TheRumpledOne |
9/30/2006 11:56:49 AM
Is there a way to turn INTRADAY UPDATES off?
TheRumpledOne 6,498 posts msg #47243 - Ignore TheRumpledOne |
9/30/2006 11:58:10 AM
Doing this:
"And as always, you can still retrieve results from the previous market day by using the date offset is 1 phrase."
Is way too much work when you have many filters.