stockfetcher 980 posts msg #112590 |
4/2/2013 11:05:01 AM
You can now create meaningful custom chart legends for variables in your StockFetcher filters using the "Legend{}" feature. This only applies to custom variables (not general indicators.)
styliten 312 posts msg #157134 - Ignore styliten modified |
7/1/2021 12:29:27 PM
Would be VERY useful if there is an option to turn chart-legend ON and OFF as needed.
In the example here, the chart legend, taking up 25% of the entire chart area, is an eye sore at best and greatly hinders the speed to gather clues from price trends.
We desperately need the ability to show a CLEAN chart.
redversa721 157 posts msg #157719 - Ignore redversa721 |
9/30/2021 8:17:19 PM
^^ I completely agree. Toggle switch between chart legend on and off should be great.