StockFetcher Forums · Filter Exchange · One Line Filter Revisited<< 1 2 3 4 >>Post Follow-up
325 posts
msg #47986
Ignore mktmole
11/15/2006 2:25:12 PM

Re PIR Nov 13th, 6mth chart.
Was unsuccessful in understanding your method of drawing the trendlines
to establishing the mid point cross entry. Could you kindly elaborate with another example or 2?

299 posts
msg #47991
Ignore wallman
11/15/2006 9:33:48 PM

I haven't posted on a SF forum about how i determine entry points,since i mentioned PIR entry point on the live BLS chatroom yesterday i assume you were either in the chatroom or read the ChatLog on
If this is the case post on that site and i can respond there

37 posts
msg #47994
Ignore jacobnbr1
11/15/2006 11:37:58 PM

hey muddy:

sorry to be off topic with this post-

could you please take a look at this filter when you get a chance and tell me if you think the zone is correct and let me know if you would change any thing.

I personally have not traded this dawg yet, I do like the results though..

cema(volume,60) > 150000
high < high 1 day ago
high 1 day ago < high 2 days ago
ma(10) > ema(30)
close > ema(30)
close < ma(10)
close > ma(200)
weekly ma(10) > weekly ema(30)
ADX(10) > 20
price between .20 and 10

you can let me know in chat or post here.

Thank you

299 posts
msg #47995
Ignore wallman
11/16/2006 6:28:46 AM

This is exactly what i've been looking for!
It is a work of art,even the doji's are nestled right in the MZ
If you rember i mentioned FRG in the chatroom yesterday as going green out of the zone and there it is on your filter
the CHTR and MGAFF we mentioned also and there they are on your filter,awesome work
Thanks so much,talk to you in chat today, Muddy

37 posts
msg #47996
Ignore jacobnbr1
11/16/2006 8:53:32 AM

I found your ntrz with this and figured maybe you might wan't to see it.

funny, i didn't see frg,chtr or mgaff when i ran it?? did you tweak it somewhere?

I can't really take credit for it as i found this screen somewhere and niko converted it for me..

I revised the price and a few other details as needed to fit THE MUDDY METHOD's.

299 posts
msg #48004
Ignore wallman
11/16/2006 9:15:18 PM

Oh no,i didn't tweak it ... what i did was run a 1,2,3 day date offset and look for stocks that are still may be hanging around this zone and chart them
What you do is on the date offset look for stocks that fall into the 1%up range to the 1% down range,you can pick up a few more good watches this way

37 posts
msg #48027
Ignore jacobnbr1
11/17/2006 11:08:04 PM

I tell you what muddy! try this one here..

changed the adx to>30 instead of >20 and i likie a-lot...
rsi stronger, w% stronger, and trend is stronger...

cema(volume,60) > 150000
high < high 1 day ago
high 1 day ago < high 2 days ago
ma(10) > ema(30)
close > ema(30)
close < ma(10)
close > ma(200)
weekly ma(10) > weekly ema(30)
ADX(10) > 30
price between .20 and 10

let me know what you think...

299 posts
msg #48030
Ignore wallman
11/18/2006 7:16:23 AM

Hi Jacob
I checked it out and i like it also,it appears that it filters down somewhat stronger candidates to watch from your original filter.
But because I consider the original filter to find stocks that I feel meets my criteria I will run the original filter first,then run your revised one next.
What i'll do is put the stocks from the revised at the top of my watch but still include the stocks from the original on my watch for entry points

37 posts
msg #48033
Ignore jacobnbr1
11/18/2006 10:54:48 AM

I desired the more reliable, stronger filter for my own style as mentioned earlier.

By using the old version you have to watch for the uptick vs's the new revised has already began to move a little higher.

I like how the overall trend is much steeper - wheras the previous one a slight to moderate trend.

They should be best of breed trend pullbacks.

By the way, You can set that figure anywhere between adx 20-35. most traders prefer 25.
After playing with it 25 does bump it from 9 hits to 15 hits.-ref- (adx30 filter)

6,411 posts
msg #48036
Ignore TheRumpledOne
11/18/2006 3:18:36 PM

cema(volume,60) > 150000
high < high 1 day ago
high 1 day ago < high 2 days ago
ma(10) > ema(30)
close > ema(30)
close < ma(10)
close > ma(200)
weekly ma(10) > weekly ema(30)
ADX(10) > 20
price between .20 and 10

set{ high5, high 5 day high }
set{open4, open 4 days ago}
set{MaxPL, high5 - open4}
set{MaxPLx, MaxPL / open4 }
set{MaxPLPct, MaxPLx * 100 }

add column separator
add column MaxPL
add column MaxPLPct
add column high5
add column open4
add column separator

set{f14, fast stochastic fast %k(14)}
set{f141, fast stochastic fast %k(14) 1 day ago }

set{f14b,days(f14 is above f141, 100)}
set{f14a,days(f14 is below f141, 100)}
set{f14xf14, f14a - f14b}

add column f14xf14
add column fast stochastic fast %k(14)

sort column 6 descending

/* STOCK DASHBOARD DISPLAY for newbies and old pros */

set{E36b,days(ema(3) is above ema(6),100)}
set{E36a,days(ema(3) is below ema(6),100)}
set{E3xE6, E36a - E36b}

set{E50200b,days(ma(50) is above ma(200),100)}
set{E50200a,days(ma(50) is below ma(200),100)}
set{M50xM200, E50200a - E50200b}

set{E1326b,days(ema(13) is above ema(26),100)}
set{E1326a,days(ema(13) is below ema(26),100)}
set{E13xE26, E1326a - E1326b}

set{CCb,days(close is above close 1 day ago,100)}
set{CCa,days(close is below close 1 day ago,100)}
set{CxC, CCa - CCb}

set{E5b,days(close is above ema(5),100)}
set{E5a,days(close is below ema(5),100)}
set{CxE5, E5a - E5b}

set{E50b,days(close is above ma(50),100)}
set{E50a,days(close is below ma(50),100)}
set{CxM50, E50a - E50b}

set{E200b,days(close is above ma(200),100)}
set{E200a,days(close is below ma(200),100)}
set{CxM200, E200a - E200b}

set{T10, count(10 day slope of the close above 0,1)}
set{T60, count(60 day slope of the close above 0,1)}
set{T200, count(200 day slope of the close above 0,1)}

Set{a1, T200 * 1}
Set{a2, T60 * 10}
Set{a3, T10 * 100}

Set{aa, a1 + a2}
Set{TREND, aa + a3}

set{v, volume 1 day ago}
set{volinc, volume - v}
set{volpc, volinc / v}
set{volpct, volpc * 100}

set{VolZ, days(volume < 1,100)}
set{VolUp, days(volume is below volume 1 day ago,100)}
set{VolDn, days(volume is above volume 1 day ago,100)}
set{VolCnt, VolUp - VolDn}

set{vck1, volume 1 day ago }
set{vck, volume / vck1 }
set{vdbl, days(vck < 2, 100)}

set{PARBuy, count(close crossed above Parabolic SAR, 5) }
set{DMIBuy, count( di(10) Difference crossed above 0 , 5) }
set{DMIBuyX, count( di(10) Difference above 0 , 1) }

set{PARSell, count(close crossed below Parabolic SAR, 5) }
set{DMISell, count( di(10) Difference crossed below 0, 5) }
set{DMISellX, count( di(10) Difference below 0, 1) }

set{PARSBuy1, PARBuy * DMIBuy}
set{PARSBuy, PARSBuy1 * DMIBuyX}

set{PARSSell1, PARSell * DMISell}
set{PARSSell, PARSSell1 * DMISellX}

set{PARSTrade, PARSBuy + PARSSell}

set{HiOp, high - open}

set{WRb,days(Williams %R(10) is above Williams %R(10) 1 day ago,100)}
set{WRa,days(Williams %R(10) is below Williams %R(10) 1 day ago,100)}
set{WRxWR, WRa - WRb}

and add column VolCnt
and add column Vdbl
and add column volpct

and add column HiOp
and add column Trend

and add column CxC {CxC_}
and add column CxE5 {CxE5}

and add column E3xE6 {E3xE6}
and add column E13xE26 {E13xE26}

and add column CxM50
and add column CxM200
and add column M50xM200

add column rsi(2)
add column weekly rsi(2)

add column PARSBuy
add column PARSSell

add column Williams %R(10)
add column WRxWR

and draw RSI(2)
and draw ema(5)

and draw Williams %R(10)

and draw Parabolic SAR
and draw +di(10)
and draw -di(10)
and draw adx(10)
and draw di(10) difference


StockFetcher Forums · Filter Exchange · One Line Filter Revisited<< 1 2 3 4 >>Post Follow-up

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